Katie placed her pom poms back on her hips as she puffed out her lower lip as Lucifer said that a hug between them was 'not appropriate.' The cheerleader knew that hugs were totally appropriate, and fun, and nice. And by Jove, if she felt like hugging Lucifer, she was going to hug him. And then Lucifer mentioned that he preferred to be called by his full name, rather than by the nice shorter name. The cheerleader stared at Lucifer for a moment before giggling, as he began mentioning all the things room-mates do in a questioning matter, and getting more nervous with each passing inquiry.[color=fff200]"Lucy, er like I'm sorry, [i]Lucifer[/i]."[/color] Katie quickly shook her right pom pom a bit. [color=fff200]"Like, all that stuff is what room-mates do. Like, we're totally gonna have separate beds, cause that's what they do. But like getting changed, sharing the bathroom and stuff..."[/color] The cheerleader tilted her head to the side as she had a quizzical expression for a moment. Tilting her head back she beamed a smile at Lucifer, [color=fff200]"Like, we're all girls here!"[/color] Katie noted. After all, not even co-ed floors would dare putting members of the opposite sex in the same dorm room. Plus, Lucy did have that [i]look[/i] to her. [color=fff200]"I mean, I'm not sure about you two, but I'm used to changing with others. Y'know we cheerleaders change together in the same locker, like almost always at the same time."[/color] With a beaming smile, Katie continued on in her discussion. [color=fff200]"It'll be fine Lucifer!"[/color] [color=fff200]"And as for jammies, I totes got them in my oh so [b]adorable[/b] suitcase right here!"[/color] And that is when Katie gestured with her left hand as she motioned back to a suitcase that she assumed was there. Katie did a double take before smacking the side of her head, [color=fff200]"Oh my gosh! Like, this is totally like the time we went to Hawaii for vacation! And, and, the airlines like totally lost the bags and we didn't have them for like a day or two!"[/color] Katie paused for a moment as she looked at her peers, as she rubbed the right side of her head. [color=fff200]"Saaaay uh, did either of you two see a suitcase, like a medium sized rolling suitcase that is hot pink with white sparkly hearts on it? I er, aha, may erm have left it uh like back at the auditorium... or uh somewhere."[/color] The girl tilted her head to the side, [color=fff200]"Uhm hm."[/color] She puffed out her cheeks in thought. [color=fff200]"Oh well, like I can totally buy more clothes! Oooh there's gotta be a place near where I can get the [b]cutest[/b] of outfits like, in case I can't find my suitcase!"[/color]