She wrote down in her [url=]planner[/url], that she usually kept on her person. She saw what had happened to the old coordinator and it was not pretty. He came looking for allies in his uprising and asked Christina, saying that she could keep her position. She told him yes and then told Huang of his plans. When they had fought she was the one to testify that it was a legal fight, she laughed the whole time he was getting his ass kicked. [color=bc8dbf]"I'll begin putting together a list together after the ceremony anything your looking for in particular."[/color] [@FallenTrinity] [i]"And greetings to you your Highness. How fares our illustrious Ice Queen this fine morning?"[/i] Chirstina rolled her eyes as soon as the "little man" came in and rolled them again when he started to talk to her. When she first met Issei, she had no issue with him and thought that his smile was a gracious genuine one, but when he rose up and become the Disciplinary Committee Head, he became a ass ho messed with everyone in office. He always messes with them and is just a malicious jerk. He does this to Christina especially, always in her face about this or that always trying to get her into a fight, always taunting her. Christina is surprised that she has not knocked his lights out yet. Soon he became the smiling jerk in her eyes, always wearing his malicious, disturbing smile, even if he is angry, its just playing creepy. [color=bc8dbf]"I am fine. Thank you."[/color] She said sharply as they walked out the room behind the president. [color=bc8dbf]"Please don't start with me to day Issei, its the opening ceremony, and we are stuck working together, so don't ruin this day like you do ever other one."[/color] She said while she pinched the bridge of her nose, not even looking at him. The boy always found a way to ruin her day. She had an idea that he secretly liked her, why else would he bother her all the time, Christian knew that a lot of the boys that went here liked her, but Issei was just weird about it. [color=bc8dbf]"I have told you before, and I will tell you again, this is no way to get a girls attention, especially a Queens."[/color] She said with a sly smirk and continued on with her walk. [@Archangel89] ___________________________________________________________________ Xu was coming up to the auditorium and when he arrived he saw that a group of boys were trying to bully a girl. It did not look like a cool scene to him. He stepped up to a guy standing and watching the whole situation go down. The dude looked bigger and older than Xu, Xu chuckled when he found himself sizing the other up. [color=f7976a]"What happened, the situation does not look to good for her?"[/color] He asked the boy. [color=f7976a]"Oh and my name is Xu. Do you think we should intervene it might be fun."[/color] He said while while squinting hos eyes as if that would help his sight. [@CoolGuy]