[hider=Brine Miller Sharp] -Full name: Brine Miller Sharp -Age: 72 -Gender: Male -Rebirth : Yes (2nd Gen aka the Reach program) -Rank / Assignment: RAS Lieutenant Commander / (Rin's Second in Command) -Call-sign: Tartan [hider= Personality] Chivalrous (if you don’t know what this means Google it), outgoing and jovial at most times but hardened by years of war. He speaks his mind regardless of rank or position. Always quick with a joke and ready to lend a hand. In a tight spot he’s quick on his feet to make needed changes and decisions, and isn’t afraid to make the hard calls. Unless you've already gained his trust and respect he won't blindly follow your orders without question. He still exhibits many UKD traits and is constantly trying to adapt his view point to match the RAS. Because he's still new to the RAS he can be awkward at times, unsure of what he should do or say. Despite his hatred of the UKD he still battles with the tenancy to consider himself as part of it.[/hider] [hider= History] He started life on Hexon where his mother died in a mining accident when he was 16. His father was an exemplary solder and fine officer in the UKD and thus on active deployment at the time of his mother’s death. As soon as his father received word of what happened, he had him put in the finest of military schools. Despite a few “discrepancies” he graduated with honors and was immediately deployed to a convoy escort detail and established himself as a capable pilot and excellent tactician. He rose in the ranks quickly attaining the rank of commander in record time. One of the first to be approached for the Living project he volunteered on the spot. Years later he was also afforded the opportunity to join the latest experiment. This new program known as Reach was genetic enhancements to Living clones to give the host super human capabilities. Such as increased strength, speed, healing, stamina, and durability. The refinement process of this new program took about five years be written off as being ready for combat. Sent out on a test mission with his original squad of none Living soldiers they found themselves out numbered and out gunned and behind enemy lines. Brine put in a request for back up but it was immediately dined. His superiors considered the rest of the squad to be expendable and knew that Brine would download into a new clone if he died. After downloading he found out that all along the plain had been for them to be wiped out. There was never any chance of them being rescued. The mission was more or less them just taking their new weapon for a test run. Brine was infuriated, so much so that they had to sedate him. From that point on Brine's view of the UKD was completely changed. He saw them for the monster they are. Stealing the entire record and research information for the Reach program he destroyed the base and left for the RAS. Considered a trader because of the information he took from the UKD he was immediately cut from the Living Program. After escaping UKD territory he surrendered himself and the information he had stolen to the RAS. His only request was to be granted asylum, excepted as a RAS soldier and to be considered for the Rebirth program. Once past all the red tape that came with gaining the trust of the RAS he eventually joined Rebirth and their version of the Reach the program.[/hider] [hider= Skills] -Being part of the Reach program he has increased strength, speed, reaction time, and cognative functions. Received advanced training in sabotage, heavy weapons, field repairs (jerry rigging), and piloting. Hes a capable pilot, but an excellent tactician. Because of his past assignments he is use to working behind enemy lines.[/hider] [hider= Weakness] Because of the genetic augmentations he has an increased metabolism and MUST eat 5 -6 times a day. Tends to over heat in warmer climates, so therefore prefers cooler temperatures. Hes still trying to adjust to his new body, often times forgetting his own strength. Sometimes he is blinded by rage over what the UKD did to his squad.[/hider] [hider= Romantic Relationship] -Never has taken much interest in any one woman. Maybe a fling here and there or a few one night stands but never anything serious.[/hider] [hider= Other] -He has a heavily modified UKD Tomahawk 42 (T42) heavy assault fighter which was the ship he escaped in.[/hider] [hider= Appearance] -Caucasian, 6’4”, muscular build, black shoulder length hair, vertical scar starting just above the left eye and ending just below it, goatee, tattoo on the left side of his upper back just below the neck.[/hider] [hider=Picture:] Brine [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/2hmzplf.jpg[/IMG] Tattoo [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/mdh.jpg[/IMG] Tomahawk 42 [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/2rmnwio.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [/hider]