Issei had spoken up. His scowl couldn't be anymore present on his face so instead a roll of his eyes sufficed as he got up and made his way to the door. Issei always had a way to annoy Huang. Whether it be late to a meeting or just pushing his buttons, Issei liked to yank the president's chain but Issei was one of the few that Huang respected. [color=f7941d]"Tch. Christy-kun just make sure it's someone who is competent, dependable and loyal. Also he/she must be able to hold themselves if someone is to challenge them."[/color] He had left the office to head for the auditorium. Luckily for seniors the auditorium was a short walk, and even more so for the students in the student government's lounge. It didn't take long before he made his way to the side entrance of the ceremony. Huang sighed as he opened the door and was bombarded with the loud chatter from the students and staff. In the front row sat the freshmen with small packets filled with information about the school. He looked them over, a few seemed strong but the rest would crack within the week. He shook his head and plastered on his face a smile. Nothing welcoming but definitely not showing genuine pleasure in this. Huang had made his way onto the stage, he could here a few whispers from the crowd but he ignored them as he took his seat behind the Director of the school who sat in stood in front of the podium. The Director was an older looking man around the age of 60 or so. He wore a nicely pressed grey suit and red tie. It was of a slightly older fashion but he gave off a aura of authority and respect that complemented it. He leaned in towards the microphone and tapped it. His voice was rough and sounded of an wise man with a tone that could silence even the most rowdy bunch. "May I have your attention please. I am Kojiro Hatsuname, Director of the School and I would like to be the first to welcome you new students to the Shinjuku Academy of Martial Arts. As most of you are aware, here at the Shinjuku Academy, we maintain tradition and excellence when it comes to teaching our students which can be shown in our students who have made a name for themselves such as Takeshi Inoue, Michihiro Omigawa, Takanori Gomi and Shinya Aoki. We also have high expectations of our students who enter into the Academy as seen in you pamphlet book in the bag we have provided. To explain the rules of the school we well have Huang Miyamoto, President of the Student Government explain. Mr. Huang?" There was an applause from the school followed by some whispering and laughing from the seniors. Huang's frown disappeared into his smile as he shook the directors hand and made his way to the podium. With his bag on his shoulders, he reached in and pulled out the speech that Christina had written for him. He carefully placed it on the podium and adjusted the mic to his height before sighing and looking up into the crowd. [color=f7941d]Good morning and welcome to Shinjuku Academy. I would like to thank my cabinet for helping me with this speech and for helping prepare for the ceremony. As you have heard I am Huang Miyamoto, the President of the Student Government and the Activities Coordinator of the Maui Tai Club. I have been the president of the club since freshmen year and have remained in position since. But I'm not here to talk about me nor my accomplishments but to inform you, new freshmen, on the rules and regulations of this school. If you could please open you student handbook to page 22 we will begin."[/color] As he spoke he pulled out the student hand book and turned to the same page that the new students would be on and skimmed down to the rules. [color=f7941d]"So....students must be in uniform at all times. You had received in the mail prior to coming what was required of you to wear. Ladies, a black/grey//blue skirt must be worn and men black/grey/blue slack must be worn. Women stockings must be worn as well. Only time a student should be out of uniform should be when the day is over or said student is in the dojo, training area or ring. There is to be NO fighting afterschool hours unless there is a teacher or instructor that is present on campus to do so. There is also to be NO fighting in the dorms. If there is each student that was apart of said fight will be fined for the damages done in the process as well as other disciplinary actions up to and including expulsion. You may challenge a student during the day if there is a teacher or student government member present. Club members may challenge other clubs may challenge other clubs with the approval of the student government and instructors pertinent to said club. Now if you can turn to page 58 for the bedding arrangements for each student."[/color] Huang sighed as he turned to the next page. [color=f7941d][i]"This is fucking ridiculous."[/i][/color] He cleared his throat before addressing the students once again. [color=f7941d]Sleeping arrangements for freshmen are as followed: 1 room sizable to fit 2 bunk beds, shared bathroom and closet for each student. Freshmen students will have lunch at 10:00am to 11:00am. The sleeping arrangements for sophomores are as followed: 2 rooms each room containing two beds, private bathroom for that room larger closet space and kitchen conjoined in the middle to each room. Sophomore lunch is from 11:00am-12:00pm. The sleeping arrangements for Juniors are as followed: 1 Room, consisting of 2 beds large closet space, personal bathroom and personal kitchen. The senior sleeping accommodations are as followed: 1 Room single queen with private bathroom and kitchen. Senior rooms also have a balcony, large closet space with a small training room. Juniors and seniors share the same lunch from 12:00pm-1:00pm. Students are eligible to eat in their rooms during their appointed lunches should they choose so. Please take note that if you are found in an area that is not authorized during school hours disciplinary actions will occur. And now..."[/color] Huang sighed as he looked down at his speech and the book. To him this was too much but he knew that after this he could return to the lounge or his dorm room if he wished but when he skimmed over the paper to the next part he couldn't help but grin. The next topic was about the Iron Fist Tournament. He looked up into the crowd with now a more eerie smile on his face.