Masako took a step back from the approaching butterfly masked assailant with the gardening implement. Getting hit with a rake did not seem like a very good time to her. Masako held her rubberband gun up in front of her, arm still shaking though a mixture of actual dread and adrenaline slamming through her body at a rapid fire pace, speeding up her heart and breathing as each sensation and touch became highlighted. Honestly though she really did'nt want to hurt anyone of them, sure it was probably the only way to save themselves fight or die and all that but they were humans too weren't they? Just a few moments ago they were her fellow classmates getting ready to go save their teacher from evil monster. Just because they were experience some mental trauma or whatever Kauzo was trying to explain to them it did'nt mean that they were suddenly free game to go start using as personal punching bags. But then again she did'nt want to get hurt herself did she? No that wouldn't help anyone, she continued to try and find her resolve as she took a step away from Bride. Of course though Kazuo made it painfully clear that he wasn't just going to be able to use his magic powers alone to save the day and that they were going to have to work together to get through this. Which meant everybody had to be totally on board for the oncoming fight. Watching the others take hits and then come back swinging though that was something though. It was something that Masako despite her bravado nature doubted that she could do on her on, yet in the moment she felt inspired by them like she could take on the world on whatever. Kazuo, Shinku and Dai both reacted with the uttermost calmness and grace under pressure in the face of adversity that she couldn't let them down now be freaking out. No that wasn't the right choice, the right choice was to seize adversity by the horns and face it like they did. Coming up with this sudden powerful resolve she began to move into action only to have Bride come in hard with the rake. __> HP: 69/69 __>[color=ed1c24][b]15 DAMAGE![/b][/color] __>HP: 54/69 The butterfly masked assailant came in with a surprising amount of strength and speed for such a feminine frame and the thwack the resounding against her side would surely leave a bruise in the morning. Scrunching her eyes in pain she stumbled to the left the wind knocked out of her momentarily. She righted herself and took a step back creating at least some distance but as Bride came in for the swing Masako had noticed something a sadness a sort of pain the yellow eyes as the thing that was not her classmate and at the same time was seemed to be at war with itself. So as Masako moved back to readjust her firing lane to properly support her teammates she called out to the butterfly masked individual with a psychological shot in the dark. [color=dodgerblue]"Hey your name is Minto right? Or at least that's what the teacher said your name is. Listen I know you probably can't here me right now and if you saw anything like I did looking at the T.V you are dealing with stuff. But listen you keep muttering stuff about friends and stuff. I don't know if you have lots of friends but you seem pretty cool, heck your prettier than me! So we could be friends. But you know we can't do that if you bash my head in with a rake. So could you stop please?"[/color] As Masako made her own appeal to the heart she turned her attention towards her teammates. They currently seemed to be focusing fire on Saito. That sounded tactically sound in Masako's head concentrate your fire so you can take guys down quicker and even the numbers quicker. So Masako joined the fight and raised her rubberband gun taking a breath to steady herself and get a bead she fired moments later. __> Rolled 18! __> 20 Piercing Damage to Masked Saito! Through sheer force of luck it seemed to shot hit home flying through the air the rubber band came to a halt against the side of masked Saito's head exploding into static upon contact. Masako did'nt know how much of an effect it caused but from that static display she at least hoped it was something. As she reloaded she turned her attention back to Bride getting ready for anymore rake attacks. [hr] Masako HP: [i]54/69[/i] SP: [i]51/51[/i]