Welp, took long enough, but 'ere ya go. Feel free to rip 'em to shreds. :D [centre][hider=Mogryo] [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/d7ec/f/2012/003/6/a/6a042b58cdc7e2f74ebb04bf7a125d44-d4l8qqf.png[/img] [quote=Mogryo][color=PaleVioletRed]“Oh pish posh. I ain’t gonna hurt ya, kupo!”[/color][/quote] [h2][b][u][color=PaleVioletRed]Name:[/color][/u][/b][/h2] Mogryo [h2][b][u][color=PaleVioletRed]Age:[/color][/u][/b][/h2] Kupo? [h2][b][u][color=PaleVioletRed]Gender:[/color][/u][/b][/h2] Male [h2][b][u][color=PaleVioletRed]Species:[/color][/u][/b][/h2] Moogle [h2][b][u][color=PaleVioletRed]Appearance:[/color][/u][/b][/h2] [quote=Mogryo][color=PaleVioletRed]“Err...whazz-KU-PHEH!! Hands OFF the pom-pom, kupo!”[/color][/quote] Mogryo the Moogle stands at about two feet six inches (76.2cm) and weighs only about thirty-nine pounds (17-18kg), kupo. He’s got fuzzy white fur, with a little ruffled tuff in the middle of chest. He’s got rather short limbs and his purple bat-like wings aren’t very large either, kupo. Moving upwards, one will notice that Mogryo has a very cute, button nose. Like most others of his kind, regardless of tribe, Mogryo’s eyes seem to permanently be closed or squinting. Topping everything off are a pair of adorable little ears and finally, a red pom-pom atop a black antennae, kupo. Yes, it is cute. No, you may not ruffle it. Barbarians, kupo. As for clothing...well...Mogryo usually goes au naturel. Moogles don’t usually feel the need to wear clothes, kupo. Pants are always out. Cute shirts and awesome hats, on the other hand, have a little more wiggle room. Mogryo enjoys dressing up from time to time, kupo! [h2][b][u][color=PaleVioletRed]Personality:[/color][/u][/b][/h2] [quote=Mogryo][color=PaleVioletRed]“No. No no no no no. You’re not alone here, kupo. Let’s go together.”[/color][/quote] Many moogles find themselves called to the thrill of exploration, the Mogryo is no exception. Wanderlust has him in its clutches, kupo. The little guy yearns to see what’s beyond the Dark Forrest and his people’s village, to meet the strangers that walk under the same stars. There’s just a certain excitement that feels a moogle when he sees someone or something new, kupo. So Mogryo’s likely to be friendly, perhaps overly so. He’s rather excitable and rash, often getting swept away by the passion of the moment. His rather sheltered life in the village has left him rather trusting and gullible, likely to take a person at their word, kupo. The moogle is of a playful sort, not taking things too seriously. If something can be made into a game or competition, count him in, kupo. He’s a bit of a ham, so get him going and he’ll play something up until it collapses under itself. But it’s all in good fun, kupo! The more laughs the better. People are always at their best when they smile. When it comes to danger, Mogryo would prefer that nobody gets hurt. He might play it down, but he really cares about the wellbeing of his friends. If there’s a peaceful option, then he’ll find it, kupo. [h2][b][u][color=PaleVioletRed]Capabilities:[/color][/u][/b][/h2] [quote=Mogryo][color=PaleVioletRed]“What can I say? I’m a slave to the beat, kupo!”[/color][/quote] A moogle’s got moves, kupo. When the music turns up, Mogryo gets down. Dancing is just a fact of life for the guy. He can cook a mean kupo nut. When diplomacy fails and things come to blows, Mogryo tends to back off of the front lines, preferring to take a more supportive role. He’s rather talented with curative and support magic, but knows his way around a fireball or shard of ice too. And he’s quick, kupo. Not that that really helps him in combat so much but hey, retreat is a valid option at times. [h2][b][u][color=PaleVioletRed]Weaknesses:[/color][/u][/b][/h2] [quote=Mogryo][color=PaleVioletRed]“KU-PHEW! Too bright! Too loud! I’m out!”[/color][/quote] Mogryo’s not exactly the toughest guy around. He’s got a rather fragile body and not much mass to him. His physical attacks aren’t likely to do much outside of being annoying. And if he starts getting smacked around? Oh, kupo... Lightning freaks him out. He doesn’t use lightning magic, and he’s not exactly too fond of it being used on him. While adorable, Mogryo’s stubby limbs actually render him with a horrible reach. He’s got to get much too close for his liking if he wants to use his Fist of Kupo and Justice (fancy name for a slap, kupo!) and really if he’s resorting to that, he’s in for a world of hurt. [h2][b][u][color=PaleVioletRed]History:[/color][/u][/b][/h2] [quote=Mogryo][color=PaleVioletRed]“Hehe, then what happens, kupo? Do the Mages win, kupo? They win right? ...right?”[/color][/quote] Deep, deep in the Dark Forest, to the left of the mossy log, right of Laughing Stone, and just before that one cave that you’re pretty sure is the home of a bear, there lies a secluded village, home for the furry little creatures that call themselves Moogles, kupo. Originally from the Plain of Bravery, these Moogles are the descendents of the few that managed to escape the fall. Their numbers are rather few, but steady. Mogryo just so happens to be the youngest Moogle in the village, by all means still just an adolescent in his people’s eyes. It was understood that Mogryo would stay with his village until he reached maturity, and then he would be given the option of either staying in the happy isolation, or leave to see the world, as follows tradition. And that would have been fine with him, kupo. Here he had all the kupo nuts he could stomach, plenty of beautiful music, and his family. Why, what else could he possible need? But that changed one day, kupo. The kupo nuts didn’t taste quite the same. The music didn’t captivate him as much. He had even grown grumpy with his family. It made no sense. That is, until one of the Elders performed the Dance of Meditation for three full days and three full nights. Then the answer hit him. Young Mogryo had been afflicted with Wanderlust. It was unusual to say the least. Wanderlust had not been seen in a moogle since before the first refugees arrived on Sanctuary. Sure, there were a few Moogles who would forsake the villages to go live amongst the locals, but that just happened from time to time, and always with mature moogles. Mogryo was just a kid, kupo. But Wanderlust cannot be ignored. To leave it be is to doom the Moogle to Heartbreak, kupo. No, there is but one cure. The afflicted Moogle must leave their village, and travel forth to see the world. Meeting new people, seeing new sights, these were the only ways to cure Wanderlust. It was a sad day, the day that Mogryo left the village. The music played at only half gusto. Many Dances of Farewell and Dances of Goodluck were performed. The feast even failed to cheer up the little furry guys, kupo. That wouldn’t do. So Mogryo put on a smile and made a promise to everyone, that he would see all there was to see, that he would meet everyone there was to meet, and that he would one day return to the village, kupo. And then he left, knowing that he, like all who leave the Moogle Village, would never lay eyes on the happy village again. But the moogle took his first step into the unknown. And then another, kupo. And just like that, Mogryo’s story had begun. [hider=Healing Light] [h2][b][u][color=PaleVioletRed]Name:[/color][/u][/b][/h2] Healing Light [h2][b][u][color=PaleVioletRed]Description:[/color][/u][/b][/h2] [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/da66/f/2010/168/2/f/keyblade__healing_light_by_phoenixtrooper.jpg[/img] A short key, this particular keyblade is much like a green rod, with only the white wing at the end serving as its teeth, kupo. Two metal ‘vines’ coil up the center rod, dotted with the same blooming green and yellow flower as on the handguard and keychain. [h2][b][u][color=PaleVioletRed]Strength:[/color][/u][/b][/h2] Healing Light does well to bolster one’s magical ability, particularly when using healing or protective spells. It is also rather light and easy to swing, allowing for quick strikes. Also, it looks pretty snazzy. [h2][b][u][color=PaleVioletRed]Weakness:[/color][/u][/b][/h2] Healing Light is a rather short keyblade, even for someone as small as Mogryo, kupo. It’s lightweight body doesn’t lend itself well for physical strikes, nor does it bode well for defending its wielder. It’s better than being unarmed, if just barely. Heavily armored enemies laugh at the sight of the glorified stick. [h2][b][u][color=PaleVioletRed]Other:[/color][/u][/b][/h2] Despite being relatively lightweight and short, Mogryo holds this weapon with two hands, opting to use the rod as the focus for his spells. He’s not likely to actually whack somebody with it unless he’s completely out of options, kupo.[/hider] [/hider][/centre]