Mithias scanned the room. The vents were too small, the walls themselves reinforced, and even the ceiling was metal, like the inside of a safe. This room was probably a converted old freezer or walk-in safe. Hank was young, so very young, and his resistance to the holy water vaporized into the air was weak at best. He had also forgotten to hold his breath, which would have helped. Hank was particularly strong, and not having him was going to be a loss, yet Mithias knew that strength alone was not to become Hank's greatest power, not likely. Had his son lived just a little longer, his telepathy and persuasion powers would become his by far greater gifts, and he could have mind-controlled any human outside to release them. Tony was obviously a friend to Hank, and so Mithias didn't threaten him. Still, it must have been hard for the human not to have been scared, just a little. Mithias saw what Tony had been doing to the doorand grew hopeful. "Ah! You've almost got it. Let me pry, and push with me against the door." The two pressed with all their might while Mithias wedged the barrel through the slit that had been created. Outside, mass hysteria had already begun as the waves of ghouls were released widespread from railway cars and storage units that were supposedly marked with Purge's icon. Everyone ran, locking themselves indoors while others less fortunate were eaten outside. It was still broad daylight, releaving the catastrophic scene to all sights. The door finally snapped through the frame and the tri got out. Mithias picked up the half-burned body of his childe and carried him outside the building expecting a fight with minimal chance of escape. What he found shocked him entirely. Emergecy alarms were going off, radio announcements were playing with instructions directing all humans to seek evacuation shelters. Choppers and gunships hovered above the city. It was once again a familiar warzone. In the chaos, Mithias halted, appearing as a guy carrying his wounded buddy. Standing next to him was Tony. Ghouls ran by, blood covering down the fronts of their bodies. Mithias blinked, still taking it in. He really had fucked up by not somehow finding out about this obviously pre-planned attack. Being alone and without his old Soldier network left him so pathetically in the dark. How could he be a hero now? Hank's healing was quickly resuming him to consciousness, and Mithias set him down. "Welcome to hell." He said as Hank made his own observations. Mithias walked swiftly to his bike and grabbed his weapons. "Hank, I have information for you." He said as he was returning. He tossed Hank a shotgun and kept his two titanium swords for himself. "The Purge has a head, someone called the Pope of Flames. Once this chaos is over, I will try to hunt him down. For right now, we have a zombie apocalypse to deal with. Also, I don't think the Purge did this, because it's not their style. They seemed to be just as unprepared for it as we are right now. Save the humans if you feel so inclined, but try to find out who turned all these ghouls. That's the one we need to get." Mithias mounted his bike and prepared to take off. Within the hour, the Purge were mobilized and on the move. White hoverships, helecopters, and tanks, all bearing the symbol of holy terror closed in on the city. Battalions of paladins, justicars, battle priests, and other ranks marched forth with their holy vapor generators and flame throwers. Snipers with silver-stake launchers and UV round ammunition all seemed to amass out of nowhere, falling into position as if pre-coordinated. Brutally and righteously they began purging the zombie ghouls from the streets, lighting flaming crosses in their wake. The Purge always made their presence known loudly and with fire. A message sounded on all the Hive and Freelancer comms. The Purge were requesting aid in the extermination of the vile fiends. Any units joining them would be pardoned the sins of their naive secularity... temporarily. The Purge may have been sadistic assholes, but they were right about the need to join up to take down powerful foes. To not aid them while innocent and helpless citizens got slaughtered would be... evil.