Silver screamed, turning back into her werepyre form. The silver burned terribly, water forming in her eyes. Her previous bullet wounds did not heal before she was hit. Furious, she charged at the military force, almost like a blur. She took a couple hit's in the process, but they were not too bad. She began to attack, biting out their throats or tearing off limbs. Silver tore through the line until she got past, running as top speed away from the scene. The silver was inside her wounds, making them burn like she herself was on fire. Silver turned into an alley way and collapsed. She started to clean out her wounds, trying to get the silver out of the bloody mess. It helped some, they were starting to heal slowly. Silver growled, turning back to her human form. Why isn't the Yamada people helping her. I guess she was just fodder to them. She held a hand to her bullet holes, keeping some blood in while they healed.