Appearance: [hider=Big picture] [img][/img] [/hider] - He stands at 6'0" and weighs just under one hundred and eighty two pounds Name: Dimitri Howell Age: 22 Species: Augmented human (his eyes were replaced by a high tech visor, they're capable of seeing in two different vision types and have led lights that light up and act as eyes so he can convey emotions better) Personality: A generally laid back and cheery fellow, though he's a bit prone to spacing out and getting sidetracked pretty easily. Dimitri is up for all things fun, though his habit of leaping first and looking later tends to mean that things that are fun for him carry a risk of getting out of hand pretty quickly. He's a serious tech nerd who's passion for all things mechanical can sometimes border on fetishistic. Dimitri is somewhat afraid of Reggie, though this stems from a bad experience he had at a petting zoo involving a koala as a kid. History: There was once was a famed military general, renowned far and wide as a brilliant tactician and highly skilled warrior. This man...has absolutely nothing to do with Dimitri. Seriously, Dimitri doesn't even know the guy, pay attention to the story at hand damn it. Now Dimitri, Dimitri is a pretty simple guy. He usually spent his days working as a call-in computer repairman, hanging out with friends or tinkering on one kind of gadget or another in his garage. His predicament stems from the latter hobby. See, every now and then Dimitri would sort of space out and end up messing up one thing or another with results that weren't usually disastrous, but on one occasion one of his projects ended up quite literally exploding in his face. The explosion took his eyes and ended up burning down his house, however all in all Dimitri came out of all of this without being too downtrodden. As most of his inventions were either destroyed beyond recognition or moved out of his home by friends, the insurance company assumed the fire was electrical (technically true) and offered him a pretty substantial bit of money. Rather than using the money to repair his home, Dimitri decided to just rent a relatively nice two bedroom apartment and have one of his more technologically knowledgable friends build him a new set of eyes. One, shall we say, less than legal implantation later, and Dimitri was right as rain and ready to get back to business as usual. You may be wondering how this all leads up to him working at a pizza shop. He received a menu for the place in his mail and decided to do something other than explain to people that they just need to unplug and replug their computer for a change. The pizza tastes like hot ass, but he gets to see some pretty interesting places. Other: He doesn't wear shirts. Ever. He'll put on a coat if he has to, but best believe that a shirt is never going to be a part of his attire. Theme song (because I want to): [url][/url]