Will replace with better picture. [hider=Magni Nikolas] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/rNDz5K7.jpg[/img] [i] "We've all gotta die someday! Today it's your turn!" [b]Name: Magni Nikolas[/b][/i][/center] Gender: Male Age: 17 Species: Human [b]Appearance:[/b] Five feet, six inches tall; 150 pounds. Hair is jet-black, contrasting his steel-blue eyes. Wears a loose deep blue half shirt with two large inset buttons. Beneath that is a tight single strapped tank top wrapped up in black bandages. He wears skin-tight obsidian shorts swathed in a sea-foam jacket. Dark, thick fisherman's boots adorn his feet. [b]Personality:[/b] Desires recognition in any form, even if he must become a martyr in the process.He knows the world is harsh due to his upbringing on the coast as a fisherman's son. Knowing full well of despair he has accepted it and has chosen to live a full life in spite of the sadness he feels. He mostly keeps to himself, though he has been known to talk at length about his home and embroidery. He really likes embroidering for some reason though he doesn't wear any of it. [b]Capabilities:[/b] Magni fights in a burst-type fashion, charging his energies into massive blows with his long sword keyblade. He draws from his ample upper body strength and powerful core, inside and outside of fights. Besides his weapon he shows moderate prowess in hand-to hand combat, especially in short bouts. Sometimes his blade displays strange markings and a blue aura, but Magni most often ignores it. [b]History:[/b] All he'd ever known was the crash of waves against his home, eroding his foundations and seeping inside him. The sea took many, his brother, his friends, and eventually his father. All succumbed to the waves except him. Bewilderment often set in those days, cursing that he could not be with them. One day after a particularly rough expedition he saw it. The edge of the world. The sight of it shook him to the core, reconstituting his concept of mortality in seconds. A choice was made that day. He wanted to live, for each of those who had been sacrificed to the ocean. For himself as well, so that the same fate would not befall him. He dedicated himself to the Academy when he learned of their presence in more than just sad prayers and departed swiftly towards the center of Sanctuary. His determination and humility ultimately gave him Destiny's Song, a keyblade through which he hoped to defy fate. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Poor balance, is left wide open for any armed attack after missing a blow. Has been known to trip spontaneously with no apparent cause. [u]The Blade:[/u] [i][b]Destiny's Song[/b][/i] [i]Don't despair, not even over the fact that you don't despair.[/i] A blade hewn of ivory and inky black steel, it measures over 3 feet in length. A deep sense of pride and confidence seems to radiate from the blade, pushing its user into a state of calculated stillness. Sometimes the sword takes on a faint blue hue, but is uncommon. Strengths: Long punishing blade for ranged takedowns. Able to slash, stab, or cause blunt force trauma. Weaknesses: Heavy and require charge time for attacks. Leaves its owner open for attack. [/hider]