[h2] Saito's House [/h2] As Saito walked though the halls covered in books and papers he could hear the soft cries of a child somewhere in this nightmare he remembers it as his own. Saito has decided to ignore it, he will not be forced to endure the trauma his mother has inflicted onto him, she doesn't deserve to be remembered. He has decided to pick up a dropped paper on the floor and started to read it. He died and all you have of him is his Arm. "..." Saito looked sick after reading the note which he threw to the ground after reading out the crossed out words. He sighed deeply and without warning a pet of the paper floor wavered and Saito fell though the paper ground to about twenty feet down. After a surprised scream and free falling for a bit he landed on his back with a loud thud and he groaned for a bit. But when he got up and after rubbing his back for a bit and seeing his surroundings he suddenly didn't want to be here in this nightmare. He was at his old house front door the door wide open letting the moon light in and a silhouette of a bard board box with a distinct pool around it. "Nononononononono..." He muttered in a panicked mantra. He was looking at the one of the reasons for his mother's terrible treatment of him and the reason he hated his father so much. The fear and debt he inherited from his father, after he died. Suddenly the box started to squirm and the puddle under it gotten bigger and brighter it was almost bleeding. And Saito knew what it was. It is his father arm. As he thought that, a tattooed arm ripped it way though the top and toppling the box over spilling the blood all over the doorway mat. Saito covered his mouth and disgust. The fist opened and closing until finally it started to look for the ground, once it did it started to crawl towards Saito. Saito feebly crawled backwards from until he hit a wall with his back, he silently watched the arm crawl it way at him, wanting to scream but the air is trapped in his lungs. [h2] Saito's body [/h2] The masked Saito's pipe was blocked by Shinku hands and he was pushed aside, where he tumbled and almost fell but he caught himself and he chuckled silently. He was suddenly socked in the face by Shinku he lurched back from the punch and he almost fell to the ground but caught himself in the last second by leaning on his pipe. The masked Saito placed his hand where he was punched, he laughed harder at her comment. "Not that I ever had a choice, hehehe...fuck!" He chuckled before suddenly an arrow had him in the shoulder and then shot by something in the head by something he didn't see, Saito didn't know where to grab but instead he forced away from the pain and suddenly swing his pipe as hard as he could towards Shinku. *rolled 19 CRIT* Saito got a direct hit at Shinku's abdomen with his pipe causing 62 strike damage. He grinned, eerily which didn't help with his mask and glowing eyes. "It seems I have my father"s enforcement skills."he chuckled. [hr] HP: 35/99 SP: 21/21