[h2]Krone the Scream Taker[/h2] Brides Kalani and Kaelira The way Kaelira moved and tried to hide her displeasure was near laughable, it was clear that she was planning something. Though it was becoming apparent that she was thinking stuff up as she went. Krone had to admire her determination to be as stubborn as a female Drakken. Though he was sure she would take that an insult, but he cared little for what she cared about. When knocked her goblet over he lifted an eyebrow, what did she possibly have planned with that? But when she sat back in her seat he felt the water fun up his leg. Was she so dense that she didn't pick up the he too had the power over the same element as her? Apparently so, but then he was unsurprised. His little bride was very self absorbed, she didn't care for anyone but herself not even her sister bride. That was rather disappointing. Once the water reached his groin he nearly rolled his eyes. But nothing changed and he remained expressionless as ever and nothing grew below. He was almost impressed with her ability to keep the water from soaking his clothes, but then she released her hold of the water. [b]"I’d have thought a Drakken of your standing would be better able to… hold his beer. Oh well. Would you like a hand at cleaning up, my lord?”[/b] Krone made no movement but the air around him grew very cold, to the point you could see your breath. He slowly looked at Kaelira, his eyes full of cold malice it was as if he took on the eyes of Krenta. [color=lightblue]"You tell me."[/color] He said knowing when she looked that she would see no water stain. Just then his captain stepped forward as if given an unknown signal. He leaned over so Krone could speak silently into his ear. The captain suddenly straightened and gave a look of surprise at Krone. [b]"Are you serious my Lord?"[/b] [color=lightblue]"I am always serious. Now do as I ask."[/color] Krone said in a slow calm voice. He watched as his captain nodded and bowed before turning and going over to the men. Krone looked at Kaelira again, his eyes still cold but there was something else as well but it was impossible to tell what. [color=lightblue]"You have been most....... difficult. And I have given you many chances to save not only yourself from pain but also the male Gem. But you insist on burning them. So I have little choice,"[/color] He said as his captain came back and grabbed Kaelira and pulled her out of the chair and handed her over to four of Krone's loyal guards. [color=lightblue]"I should of been the one to deflower you, but I do not trust you. So my men will have you."[/color] He explained as he stood and motioned Kalani to stand as well, though he kept her close as he allowed Kaelira's scent to drift to those chosen to perform the command. [color=lightblue]"A shame, but you left me little choice."[/color] He said as he looked at her. He then looked up at his men his eyes still cold. [color=lightblue]"Don't kill her and I expect her to delivered to me chamber once you are done, I do not care if she is clothed or not. Just so long as she is back."[/color] And with that his men took her away, it was a rude awakening but nothing he did was getting through to her. He had given her chance after chance to win his favour but she squandered it. But she still had a chance even then, if she begged to be taken back to Krone and apologized, he may consider giving her mercy. He looked down at Kalani for a moment before gently taking her hand and leading her away from the banquet hall and back up to his chamber. Once in the large sitting room of his chamber, he took off his shirt as he tired of the fabric. He then turned to his captain and guardsmen, who had followed and dismissed them. He then looked at Kalani, his eyes suddenly not as cold as they were before and his expression softer. [color=lightblue]"I have a few letters to write, but I want you to know that I do not wish to do such things to Kaelira. You have seen how many times I have given her a chance to redeem herself, only to have her throw it in my face."[/color] He said sounding slightly sad as he sat in a comfy chair. There was a pause as he looked into the fire that was blazing in the fireplace. It cast many shadows across the room which was oddly calming. [color=lightblue]"I do wish to ask you my dear. Do you wish to share a bed with me tonight? I will not make you do anything, just simply share a bed, lay by my side..... Please."[/color] He asked softly as he raised his hand. One would get the sense that he was offering himself to her, as there was no demand in his voice or body language. He was letting her choose. He always gave choices even to his enemies and victims. [hr] [h2]Raya T'mivus[/h2] Torin Hellsong, sister bride to Kasari Liesma Raya bit her lip when she heard Kasari say that her family were from the Southern plains of Gemminia. She knew that once the southern races figured out that the Drakkens left, they would swoop over the mountains and into their land killing everyone. At least with Drakken's they liked to take prisoners, but not those to the south. She truly felt sorry for her sister bride, and wished that there was something that she could do for her. But nothing was coming to mind, she couldn't even find any comforting words to speak. She suddenly felt useless, as she wanted to encourage but the situation was too grave. She was pulled out of her thinking when Torin stood and said that they were leaving. She stood slowly and barely noticed the conversation that her husband and guard were having. She was still in shock but it was fading or at least she hoped so. She followed Torin wordlessly through the many halls and corridors as she was still lost in thought. That was until she realised that she was standing in her husband's chamber. She wondered how he was able to "see" everything in the room and know where it was. But she guessed he had some way of knowing. He then told them to sit, then explained that he was giving them a chance to write home. Raya's heart nearly burst as a few tears threatened to spill from her eyes. She watched as paper, ink and pens were laid out for them. But then she realised that she didn't know how to write. Her parents had tried to teach her but she was the hardest one to teach as she was always in the forest. She had a stronger connection with her element and would spend hours just listening to the earth. But now she wished she had learned to write. [color=green]"I don't know how."[/color] She said in a low voice, though the Drakken that Brought in the writing material heard her and so took a pen and paper before looking at her. She bit her lip before dictating what she wished to be written in the letter. Once the letter was written she smiled slightly at the Drakken before looking up at her husband. He looked rather distinguished, which she couldn't help but find odd. She was always told that Drakkens were mindless brutes that had no sense of order or kindness. But so far they were wrong, well kind of. She knew that her husband was fully capable of killing and being a brute, but at this moment he was being kind. Raya moved and sat in front of him while reaching out and gently touching his knee. [color=green]"Thank you my Lord..... I know that you can take whatever you want from us..... but if there is anything.... you want from me tonight.... I willfully give it."[/color] She said, though her voice held no fear or sadness. She was not afraid to give herself to him as she knew it would happen eventually. She just hoped he was okay with her offer. [hr] [h2]Tirza R'Miva[/h2] Praeth, sister bride to Nadia and Araxie Tirza realized as soon as the words left her mouth that she had pissed off Praeth. She wasn't sure how she managed to piss him off, but she did. But that was no big surprise, she could piss off a snail or so she was told. [b]"Yes, if you all have eaten your share, we can return to the Chamber, and please, 'my Lord' sounds all too pretentious for someone like me."[/b] She raised and eyebrow at his comment.[i]Someone like me[/i]? What the hell is that supposed to mean? He was a Lord or some sort of noble wasn't he? Or why else would he be here? [color=pink]"As you wish hunky bunny."[/color] She said in a flirtatious tone as she followed him. She knew she was pushing her luck, but she always did. It was her nature, to push, to test boundaries and then regret it later. She knew her cycles, but she couldn't stop them. Oh how her gods must of laughed at her, or at least she thought they did as they did help her at all. [color=pink]"Do you like that name? Hunky Bunny? Or would you prefer something else?"[/color] She asked as she skipped behind her husband and flirted with the few Drakken guards that they passed. Some of the guards would wink back or get a look of bewilderment or lust. Again she was pushing it. [hider=Summary] -Krone........ just showed that you shouldn't fuck with him...... also he is being really nice to Kalani. -Raya doesn't know how to write and is really grateful to have such a kind Drakken husband. -Tirza is pushing her luck. (She is currently calling Praeth Hunky Bunny) [/hider]