[Center][H1]Episode 1 - Delivary! [/h1] [Img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110725172403/en.futurama/images/thumb/d/d4/Hubble.png/500px-Hubble.png[/img] THE PIZZA SHIP ^^(Shaped like a pizza) [Color=Lime]"Fuck! We forgot the pizza! Aghhhh!!"[/color] he sat in his "Captain" chair, feeling his forehead. [Color=lime]"Do you know how hard it is teaching Delivary boys and girls to be space cadets. Tut tut tut"[/color] he landed the ship and went into a bar annoyed they forgot the pizzas when he opened the door, his at h nemesis was there Erwin. He squinted his eyes and Erwin said [color=red]"Hey pizza boy still doing rounds, the Chinese Buisness are already getting more money in then you"[/color] Enraged by the Chinese worker he challenged him [Color=lime]"I challenge you to any game of your choice"[/color] Erwin smiled [color=red]"Demelition Derbyshire 2hrs, if you win you deliver the Chinese food and finally get some money lose and we keep your ship."[/color] Reggie was back in the ship pleading to his comrades [color=lime]"WAHHH Were gonna lose look at his ship WAHHHH the Chinese Buisness wins again WAHHH" [/color] he sniffles staring at the others with big kowala eyes shining trying to give them an example of how they can start helping him. [Img]http://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Md79e9502b0c7bb7bc3ada80ec91521e9o0&pid=1.1[/img] The Chinese ship ^^ [Hider=Erwin][img]http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Ma14787b3edd42c787bc587fabcff6541o0&pid=1.1[/img][/hider][/center]