[color=a2d39c]"Fweh...Classes are so boring..."[/color] She laid her head on the table, staring with dead eyes at the teacher yapping on about mitochondria. Yuzuki was all pumped up yesterday, and now she feels like killing herself on a bamboo shoot. While playing Chopin on the piano. Come to think of it, she should go grab a bow from the archery club. That was, assuming they had one that was both strong and fireproof. To fight against those piece of shit gunners, she need some sort of advantage she could use against them. That was, if she didn't kill herself first from that teacher's voice droning on and on. What sort of fighting school needs to know about mitochondria? For some sort of quiz battle royale? [color=a2d39c] "Ugh... please, something interesting happen already..."[/color]