[h2][color=6ecff6]Navi the Fairy[/color] - Castle Town Street / Castle Courtyard[/h2] Navi stared at the spot where Shadow Link had vanished. She was visibly worried, her knowledge of the Hero's dark side was not extensive but the few times she'd encountered him she'd not known him to be incredibly stable. He had been born out of powerful dark magic, magic as dark as that which created the Mirror of Twilight, strong enough to match the Goddesses in strength. Shadow Link had a vast store of power, the willingness to use it and the mental instability to feel himself justified. He had made no idle threat, he felt abandoned by Gods and he intended to ensure that Hyrule never forgot it. Navi was the only one that knew he was up to something. [i]I have to stop him.[/i] she thought to herself, but another voice reared up battling the first. [b]Cursed to watch without ability to help, banished from the lands of your birth and condemned to watch all you love perish to time.[/b] That was the punishment the Fairy Queen had laid down upon her. Sworn never to interfere, the Goddesses had already taken so much from her. What would they do if Navi placed herself in the middle of the Hero's fight once more. Then again some things were worth more than a single life. If Shadow Link intended to target the royal family and its Princess there was one location he would head for. The Great Hyrule Castle which had its walls at the north edge of Castle Town. Knowing time was not on her side and that speed was of the up most importance Navi closed her eyes. Her entire body began to glow with blue light so bright it blinded any who looked upon it. When the light cleared away Navi the human girl was gone replaced by a gleaming ball of winged light. It had been ages since Navi had inhabited her fairy form. Without access to the fairy fountains it was much easier to maintain a human body compared to her fairy one. Navi flew fast rising over the rooftops of castle town. Finally making it to the walls of the Castle. As Navi flew over the iron gates she felt a wave of nausea sweep through her. It pasted in a moment. Fairies had a deadly weakness to tempered iron. Proximity made them ill, contact with it burned there skin. It was one of the reasons Navi was pleased that the soldiers of Hyrule were now making use of steal weapons and Armour though old buildings like the Castle still use some of it in mechanism and high security areas. Navi flew towards a second story window, she intended to land within the castle and seek out Zelda's attendant Impa who would be close at hand to the Princess. Just as Navi was about to pass the threshold however it was as though she hit a barrier in the air. Stunned Navi lost altitude reverting back to human just before she hit the ground. The fall was not serious and fairies healed quickly. Navi had bypassed most of the guards but now standing in front of the main entrance to Hyrule Castle the fairy girl could not enter. Navi reached out a hand and just as it passed the threshold of the massive doorway into the castle entrance hall she touched something solid, it felt almost electrically charged and seemed to be repelling her. Navi had forgotten the ancient laws. [i]No fairy may enter the dwelling of another with permission from its resident.[/i] There were of course some exceptions to this. Fairies bound to a Kokiri child were exempt. The Fairy Queen Titania could relieve a fairy of there need to adhere to this if the situation was grave enough but that was a rare occurrence. Navi banged helplessly on the solid barrier that would not admit her to the court. She sank down onto her knees wishing there was something that she could do. She didn't have time to formulate another plan. Only Zelda, one of her lineage or a number of the castle personnel who lived on sight could Navi to enter the Castle. The guards did not have that authority. Though they might have a barracks in the castle most had their own homes down in Castle Town. "HEY YOU! What are you doing?" shouted an authoritative voice from behind Navi. The fairy girl turned to see one of the guards approaching her. He most likely was either just coming off a shift or preparing to go on one. "Attempting to gain access to the Castle." Navi said dejectedly, she banged on the threshold barrier again. "It not going according to plan." "Who are you?" demanded the guard. "It doesn't really matter. I have an urgent message for the Princess, but as you can see I cannot enter the castle. If someone could fetch I would be most obliged." Navi stood to her fullest height which addmitedly was not that impressive, her skin started to glow bright blue which was quite a bit more so. In this day and age fairies were rare. This was a time of peace and the fairy people generally didn't stray outside the Lost Woods unless something was urgent. "Tell you an emissary of the Fairy Court is here with a message."