Tetsu sensed a presence off to his side. It didn't have a threatening feeling to it...nor a strong one, but he knew better than to let that fool him. Still, he doubted whoever it was would actually be able to best him. [b][color=f7976a]"What happened, the situation does not look to good for her?"[/color][/b] Tetsu turned to look at the boy and gave him a blank stare. [b][color=f7976a]"Oh and my name is Xu. Do you think we should intervene it might be fun." [/color][/b] After another moment of staring at the boy, Tetsu let out a very blunt answer. [b][color=1a7b30]"I try not to get involved with another's business. Excuse me, I'm going to be late."[/color][/b] With that, he turned and walked past Xu and into the Auditorium. He had managed to grab a seat near the outer right side in the sea of students gathered for the ceremony. [color=1a7b30][i][b]"Looks like I just barely made it..."[/b][/i][/color] As he began to space out in his seat, he noticed the student government members arriving near the front of the auditorium. Huang Miyamoto was among them and also the president...though he was barely worthy of the title. He was like a child who only wanted the position as an affirmation of his "strength". True, he was levels beyond the other students, but this did not impress Tetsunosuke. It didn't take much to be a bully of freshmen and those weaker than yourself. [color=1a7b30][i][b]"We should be trying to bring up those weaker than us and stand together to make this school great. NOT kick them down. Just watch. This is the year you'll get yours..."[/b][/i][/color] He never voiced his opinion on the matter, however...did this make him a coward? Or perhaps it meant he had no right to even have the opinion? It didn't matter either way. This was the year he would participate in the Iron Fist Tournament and end his reign. Or at least he would try...yet he was still confident he could beat him. Tetsu zoned out once again, but the part about him having his own balcony and small training room caught his attention for a moment. This was perfect. With this arrangement, he would no longer have to tip toe around other roommates and could live the way [i]HE[/i] wished to. The training room was the real thing to get him excited though. With a mat, throwing dummy, and 6 ft. heavy bag he would have all he needed in a training area. Of course, this did not mean Tetsu did not enjoy training with others. You need to work with live partners to improve. There is almost no other way. [color=1a7b30][b][i]"If you believe you can advance on your own, you're delusional."[/i][/b][/color] All three years Tetsu had joined different clubs and this year he would do the same. However this was never a problem due to the fact that Tetsunosuke had spent years practicing numerous martial arts and had more than the sufficient skill level to be accepted by said clubs. Suddenly, Tetsu felt a creepy silence for just a moment and looked up from his crossed arms. He looked to the President, Huang Miyamoto, with a raised eyebrow and a look of slight curiosity. [color=1a7b30][b][i]"Judging by that shit eating grin, he must have something interesting to talk about."[/i][/b][/color] Tetsunosuke began to pay closer attention in order to hear what the Student Government President had to say next.