Sure. The setting is known as the Dracon Realms, set on a desert continent in a fictitious world known as "Other Earth." Everyone who lives there just calls the planet "Earth", but it is actually far, far larger than the real planet, with totally different geography. It is a world with a medieval and ancient level of technology, filled with magic, countless creatures and races, plus many gods and spirits of a thousand kinds. Basically, it has a bit of every myth imaginable. So far, the story has several characters being played by me and Caits. We had another player, but she left due to health and personal matters. My characters are Adykon (the guy in my avatar), his son Kosjurec (Kos for short), his other sons Larek, Veax, and Caex, his daughters Aura and Orna, his wife Aerta, and a few supporting characters, including the cleric Vespion and a young dragon who was given the pet name "Toby". They all live on farms, located in the nicer areas of a mostly desert country. Caits has several characters too, including Nyx (Larek's wife), Sasha (Kos' wife), Hermia (Veax's wife), a male dracon named Railing, and Marx and Jammy (the father and mother of her characters so far), and a few others. At this point in the story, Kos is visiting some human friends who are connected to Prudence, the wife of Railing. The Dracon Realms themselves are a divided place, split between many different kingdoms, city-states, counties, and other realms. Crucially, there is no one single empire or central kingdom ruling over all or most of the land. At present, there are eight major dracon cities, but the three most important ones to the story are Minbenthac (the "average" city), Naushindcalgoa ("Naugoa" for short, the rich port city), and Hekaga (the bad city.) This is a map of the dracon realms, which I intend to update in the future: [img][/img] Dracons are humanoid, with horns on their head, tails, snouts, clawed feet, and no wings. Males usually dress much like humans do outside, and females dress in a loincloth and a top. Neither sex wears footwear, and dracons lay eggs despite females being able to nurse their young. Here is a male dracon: [img][/img] And a female dracon: [img][/img]