[@KatherinWinter] [color=fff200] "Fair enough"[/color] he replied as he started following the girl . He had started to hate the purple-haired bitch -did she even bother to give him his name?- at first, but now he could sense something else behind her. Something deep, possibly dramatic. Besides, isn't this what most characters like that hide? This one seemed to be pretty hard to reveal, though. Would be a challenge to his wits; which was a good thing -he loved challenges. He would take it slowly. For now, she seemed not too eager to talk more. He decided not to break the silence- besides the fact he also liked silence, he could see a wrong word would get ichor spilled. [color=fff200]"Yep. Just like old days back home"[/color] he sighed, reminiscing, as he got lost in his thoughts while keeping in following the girl towards what he assumed was the gym.