[@KatherinWinter] [color=fff200]"That is a wise and dignified way of living, for everyone needs to try to solve their problems by themselves. However, it is not necessarily the best for all occasions; when one is not able to do so, one should never underestimate others' will and ability to help them through- and neither should you feel ashamed of doing so." [/color] He was genuinely caring about the girl at this point. That was his nature; he always cared about others problems and always tried his best to help them. He also wanted to believe everyone else wanted to live like that deep inside. Arquably, those were his two greatest weaknesses. At this point, he had forgotten about the previous warning, and elegantly placed a hand on her shoulder while saying: [color=fff200]"I can see your life has been troubled-both in the past and the present. I know you must likely don't trust me yet- in fact, I don't even know your name- but if you need to blow off some steam, I want to believe I'm a good enough listener." [/color]