[quote=@BrokenVeil] The vocals: Meh. The instrumental: Yeah. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcsYSJwewWk[/youtube] [/quote] I think it's kind of unfair to post up a full album up in here, no one is gonna sit and listen to the full thing. And you're meant to give a rating out of 10 to the song before. Saying that I'm gonna do the guy above you instead. [quote=@Kurai Assassin] Nice song. whats the guy go by now a days anyway. 8/10 and because i can enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBswx7GEARc [/quote] I like fall out boy, old fall out boy, but I cannot stand this new stuff. I don't know, it's just too different from the fall out boy I grew up with, songs like Grand Theft Autumn and Sugar We're going down. That's fall out boy to me. But this song? 2/10, can't stand it. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVx2RuANAyk[/youtube]