[@KatherinWinter] [color=fff79a]"Better stop pushing her"[/color] John thought after losing it for a split second,then withdrew his hand- this time refusing to consider his pen.[color=fff200]"Sorry for that. Well, that's a nice name. Pretty unusual, but also charming. Nice to meet you, Roxy" [/color] He then stopped talking, which did not seem to bother her to much. [color=fff79a]"She will open up in her own time. It would not be polite of me to force more information out of her. "[/color] John was noe deeply perplexed. This violent reaction was something he expected from his previous encounrer, but also something he could not completely understand- especially since she gave him her name afterwards, which showed she was sorry for her reaction. Unless he used the one theory he had... It was too hideous for his tastes, but he first handedly knew it was completely possible. He felt her shoulder skin completely smooth under her clothes... How much did it take to bruise a deity's body? His almost complete lack of scars told him it was extremely hard. On the other hand, he could see some bruises on her mother's body which she regenerated later, so macan non war related wounds just had the same gate and went away? Possibly for women? He couldn't know. But the idea still wouldn't leave his mind. For some reason, this kind of abuse of a fenale -even a goddess - enraged him even more than his own. Lost in these thoughts, he did not notice his skin, and in lesser extent his eyes, turn slowly into a fade, but fiery red.