Well, I think humans are self-explanatory haha. Ithuri are lithe, tall and long-limbed. Their complexions take on a kind of radiance, their skins pale and flesh-toned, yet faintly glowing with gold, silver and alabaster hues. They do not tan or burn, even when in the sun. Their eyes take on a slight slant, giving them a natural intensity to their gaze, and vary between bright shades of green, violet, blue, gold and silver pupils. Their hair is as fair as their eyes and skins: sandy, light orange, gold, white or silvery. Some ithuri, who trace themselves back to the Sarandish (a rather reclusive northern nation of ithuri), have a reddish quality to their complexions, with burgundy lips and black or grey eyes. Ithuri have pointed ears, though the length and severity of the point vary. Years of magical dependence have left the ithuri physique diminished. Unlike humans, they cannot achieve stoutness, curvaceousness or bulk. Ithuri do not age as other races do, as their lifespans vary between eight centuries to a millennium. Up until their final years, ithuri appear young, refined and graceful. Wrinkles, weakness and dulled senses are evidence that an ithuri is dying. The dvergr vary between the three nations, however, in general, they are the opposite of the ithuri. Physically, they are deceivingly strong. Wide, stout frames, naturally quite bulky and resilient. Short-limbed, chiseled faces, with skin as textured, hard and cold as stone. Dvergr aren't sensitive to hot and cold, evident in their ability to live in extreme conditions, and have thick, lava-like blood. Their hair is coarse like rope and their eyes as hard and precious as gemstones, shimmering in light. Their features are chiseled and hard, even for the female dvergr, softened by ornately decorated hair (and facial hair in the male's case). Azoc'dhari have copper skin, golden eyes and bronze hair. Chael'vhari have pale skins, iridescent blue eyes and grey or white hair. The ogurs are the shortest of the three giant races. They stand taller than the ithuri, coming between 6'8" to 7'6". They have strong frames, muscular limbs and wide bodies, usually with a sizable gut. Round, oval heads, a dominant underbite and two canines (often adorned) visible over the lip. They are hairy creatures, with a messy sprawl of hair that often comes down their spine. Their features are soft and humble, though their bodies are built to survive. Their skin comes in dusty, earthen colours, and their hair is often black. They have three large fingers and a thumb on each hand, and five toes on calloused feet (they often go barefoot). The ogurs are a simple folk, choosing basic ornamentation over the exuberance of jewelry, settling for different kinds of stones and plentiful ores like iron and copper. They often cover themselves in ochre markings. Gnolls are small, feral-looking creatures, a humanoid cousin of hyenas. They’re covered in fur, mostly around their backs and ligaments, with their chests and bellies sparsely covered or hardly covered at all. Their fur varies in colour, some are spotted, some striped, some golden, some black and some white. Due to their animal nature, they are often covered in scars. Their heads protrude forward, as if constantly sniffing, and their eyes are small, beady and dark. Their denture is sharp, and disquieting for those unfamiliar to the gnolls. A soft mane of hair erupts from behind their ears and down to their tails. They have sharp claws on their front hands that they regularly sharpen, which are padded for running (as they are quadrupedal when they run). Their paws (feet) are also padded and clawed. That's the basics! I'll get to work on an OOC. :)