[hider=Reference Pictures][center] Delsaran [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/215/6/2/sombras_divinas__elynin_by_telthona-d59nu4t.jpg[/img] Divine Robes [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/89/4b/d3/894bd34a44000f0d4b55820d524157e7.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] [indent]Delsaran Taranath [/indent] [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] [indent]33 [/indent] [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] [indent]Frost Elf [/indent] [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [indent] Delsaran sports long, snow white hair past his shoulders styled plainly with extended bangs, which, at times, he keeps in a ponytail. The Frost Elf has alabaster skin marred by various scars, though none draw too much attention to themselves. Pale lavender orbs watch the world with wary eyes, a common sight in the desecrated Reath. He stands at 5'7" and has a moderate build, showing that he is taut and traveled, but not martially inclined. His features are angular with almond shaped eyes and a thin chin. He now mostly dresses in the plum robes of the Priesthood of Relanthon that has a white sun embellished one the back. The robes are enchanted with divine magic which makes them more than conventional for travel.[/indent] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] [indent]Del is a congenial man when caught at the right time. However, due to his responsibilities and the state of his charges, he is often under pressure and stress, and at times like these he is blunt and efficient. Del is a man with much to do in little time, and he doesn't like those who stand in the way of progress for his charges. He's a born leader, although admittedly not a strategist, and even though he is not near the top of the order, many in his clergy come to him for advice and assistance. Outside of town, Del is a strong willed and knowledgeable survivor of the wasteland that was once Reath, having spent much of his time with the clergy rescuing others and bringing them to safety. Despite this, he is really a friendly, warm person, who does his best to do the right thing. He tries to bring good people back to Urenda in hopes that they will look after the place whenever he is gone. [/indent] [u][b]Morality/Religion:[/b][/u] [indent]Del is a priest of Relanthon. He has few oaths or commandments, but must act in accordance with his God's morals. The Elven God stands, resolutely, for doing the right thing in any moment, and protecting those who cannot protect themselves. He views life and nature, both, as sacred and will defend both until his death. The semantics of religion do not bother Del, he cares not for rivalries made in a world long passed, and instead focuses on the here-and-now and what he can do for the helpless mortals of Reath.[/indent] [u][b]Biography:[/b][/u][indent]Delsaran was born and raised by a small community in one of the most northern settlements of Frost Elves in the frosty tundra at the top of the continent. Raised in a life that cherishes every resource dearly, Del was taught early on to work for what ever he needed. Their clan was close from being so isolated from the rest of the world, and they worshipped both Relanthon and the elven goddess of winter. When he was young, Del was a page for the clan's Relanthpn Priests. He had never known his parents, as they had died his first winter, and was raised communally between the priests and other helpful clan members. The Great Descent began, however they did not get affected until the elven defectors came down and drove the northern cland either into the icy sea or to the south a few weeks later. Delsaran fled south with his clan, trying to rally with their southern kin, but found much of the previously lush forests uprooted and chared by elemental storms. Over time, Del, a novice priest, got separated from his clan through violent circumstances, and traveled alone until he met Yuuril Eletha. He met the high priestess in the south as her and her remaining clergy were fleeing a dark storm. They took refuge together and the younger man joined their ranks. Then congregation headed north and set it out on the high road. They found the ruins of Urenda. They moved on, having had no plans to stop, however they were ambushed by a cult of demons. The attack was short lived, but they realized that several of their members were taken from them. They traveled into the city, falling into an expected real. The congregation had managed to thin the demon ranks somewhat, but they're eventual victory was attributed to an incredible feat of the high priestess. They cleared the rest of the ruins, and so was the start of the new city.[/indent] [u][b]Other Notes:[/b][/u][indent]N/A[/indent] [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] [indent]Priest[/indent] [u][b]Combat Style:[/b][/u][indent]The priest has access to the Creation school of magic through devotion to his deity. He specializes in the Life and Light aspects as a low experience caster. Shield spells, healing spells, and empowerment spells are specifically offered by this deity. Eventually, the priest will be able to summon the servants of this deity from their home plane. A priest is a force for good in the world, and by mixing his magic with physical prowess, he becomes a more efficient guardian. He wields a large staff with a bladed end as a weapon. He tries to keep a distance from attackers and attempts to disarm or distract with magic.[/indent] [u][b]Weapons / Tools:[/b][/u][list][*][b]Divine Robes:[/b] These robes are enchanted to resist damage. Because it is imbued with light, any shadow or demon that touches it will be burned.[*][b]Biting Staff:[/b] A five foot staff made of redwood with a sharp, with an 8 in. iron blade at one end and a weight on the other.[/list] [u][b]Skills / Natural Abilities:[/b][/u][list][*][b]Frost Elf:[/b] He can create sparks with his hands.[*][b]Cold Resistance:[/b] The elf grew up withstanding the harshest of blizzards and constant, extreme cold.[*][b]Willful:[/b] He is strong of mind; he does not fall easily to Charm or Illusion Magic.[/list] [u][b]Spells / Magical Abilities:[/b][/u] [list][*][b]Light Shield:[/b] The priest creates a shield of light. It radiates a bright light and shields against both physical and magical assaults for a short duration.[*][b]Blinding Flash:[/b] A bright flash of light comes from the priest, blinding any who don't shield their face, rendering them disoriented.[*][b]Arrow of Light:[/b] A biting projectile of light shoots at a target.[*][b]Dispel:[/b] The priest can dispel magical effects[*][b]Banish:[/b] The Priest can command low-level extra-planar beings to flee an area for a short period of time.[*][b]Heal:[/b] The priest can stitch together minor wounds and sooth burns. The priest can heal other minor health complaints such as aches and pains, as well as simple sicknesses.[*][b]Purify Food/Water:[/b] The priest purifies food and/or water for consumption. [/list] [u][b]General Equipment:[/b][/u][list][*]Rucksack, containing the following[list][*]Silver Relanthon holy symbol necklace[*]3 days rations[*]Small hunting knife[*]20ft hemp rope[*]Bedroll[/list][/list] [u][b]Miscellaneous:[/b][/u][list][*]N/A[/list]