Somehow, Johnathan's true feelings were able to get through to the others even despite his shadow's control of his body and mind. Hearing those words, the shadow became furious and shouted at Johnathan that no one cares for him before firing a bolt at Kazuo which managed to hit its mark; evaporating into TV static upon impact (84 HP --> 64 HP). Kazuo winced from the pain but quickly regained his composure. He looked straight at Johnathan and called his name. Kazuo told Johnathan that his shadow is wrong; that they all care about him. They wouldn't be fighting so hard to return him to normal if they didn't. "You think you have nothing to give? I say you just haven't found what it is you can give. We need you, Johnathan, and Ms. Sasaki needs you. Give us that." Before Kazuo can say anymore, Gruffydd confronted Kazuo and delivered a strike with his shovel (64 HP --> 53 HP). Kazuo was hit but managed to shrug off the pain and retreated to a safer distance. "Gruffydd..." Kazuo spoke under his breath. It seems his classmate is still under the complete control of his shadow. There's nothing to say to him at this state. Then, Kazuo heard a revelation from Minto's shadow. Speaking to the real Minto, his shadow revealed him to be a boy; claiming that he's fooling others to stay around him but if they found out the truth they would leave. Masako spoke with Minto's shadow in an attempt to reach him. "I'd like for us to be friends as well, Minto. We're not going anywhere," Kazuo said to the shadow. Haruto and Ito are still firmly under their shadow's control. Dai is doing his best to fight Haruto's shadow but Shinku is resistant to the idea of fighting Ito. She's also dealing with Saito's shadow who had just recovered from Shinku's punch. Retaliating, Saito managed to land what looks to be an incredibly powerful strike straight into Shinku's stomach; forcing her onto one knee. This looks bad. One more attack and Shinku's done for. Kazuo had to act quickly. He placed his hand onto his face once more. "Persona!" Both his mask and Sigurd appeared again and Sigurd rushed towards Shinku's position. Arriving there quickly, he turned his sights to Saito and deliver a powerful downward slash with his sword (Cleave / 53 HP --> 49 HP), knocking the shadow a ways back (rolled 14 / 35 Slash damage). As Sigurd disappeared, Kazuo arrived and kneeled down beside Shinku. He placed a hand onto her shoulder and, suddenly, sensed a power growing within her. Kazuo's surprised expression reverted to its normal calm as he stood up off the ground. "Shinku," he began, "you sensed it too, right? Your inner self. Call it forth." [hr] [b][u]Kazuo[/u][/b] HP: 49 / 84 HP SP: 32 / 36 SP