Somehow, Ronin wasn't sure how it happened, she had been elected to show the new ones around Staðr Húsgørð. The Safe House had been founded years ago by hálfraesir, and Loki's children had placed protective spells around it. Anyone with the power to do so was encouraged to add to the spells, and Ronin was no different. Anyway, back to the younglings. They reminded her of how her life had been. True, her life at the orphanage wasn't the best, but at least monsters didn't try to kill her every frikkin' day. "Now, your accommodations." Ronin stopped in front of a small collections of buildings. "Ladies on the left, men on the right. No men allowed in the women's houses, and vice versa. Clear?" She raised an eyebrow at the group following her until she heard a chorus of yesses. "That's the end of the tour. Go explore, practice your art, eat, sleep, whatever."