[quote=@G3njii] Just was wondering if you could quick look at mine so far. I have o get his history up and maybe one other thing. I just want some feedback [/quote] It's looking good! I also noticed that the appearance is missing. So just that and the history and you'll have a ready to go character! [quote=@Chezka] Hello! I'd like to throw in a WIP, if that's alright. I'll have it done tonight. :) [Kaz Snip!] As for the world, I'll fill in the sheet later, but I was thinking the Plane of Knowledge could be a Big Hero 6-inspired world? Essentially, a more technologically-advanced version of present Earth. It seems like it could work well. [/quote] Kaz is looking good! Just get a history up, and I'll take another look. And that's a cool idea for the Plane of Knowledge! Definitely seems to lend itself as a world, in my opinion. and [@Ogobrogo], I'm really excited too! This is my first RP to get this sort of attention! The idea for it just sort of came on a whim, and it really took hold of me. I hope to take it great places!