[h3]???[/h3] It was all lies, as much Bride wanted to believe that his dad...done that to him was a lie he kept seeing over and over again, it kept on replaying non stop and as much he wnated to turn away his masked self was holding him tight thre making him wtach it all. There was no way his dad can do hat to him he knows that, it has to be a nighmare but somehow The feeling of pain struck him. Tears roll down his cheeks and he couldn't stop trembling, his legs felt weak, all the energy in his body was gone. [color=8dc73f]"ma-mak....Ma...ke it..s-stop...pl-pleas...e..." [/color]He begged to anyone just hoping that would stop it all. As his younger self struggled on the bed fighting against his drunken father each strike and hit effected him like he was experience it as well. Why did he have to see this?! There was no reason...he doesnt remember anythign of this at all, his dad never hurt like that...he never treated him like trash...The scene stopped but he didn't know it he was stricken in terror. The masked Bride slowly hugged Bride and whispered right at his ear gently almost like it was pitying him. [color=a0410d]"It did happen...our dad did that to you...you trusted him, love him...just a happy family. Poor mommy doesn't know a thing, what would happen if she knew her husband raped her child while she slept peacefully at night not knowing her own child was being destroyed? Bet she gonna have a heart attack, divorce...charges against rape... the press will know, news and everything...poor mommy gonna be sad...Yet you never remembered it, you woke up and dad was just sitting on the bed with a horrid look on his face waiting for something and yet you smiled at him and asked what was wrong...coward, he was a coward to lie to you like that, saying nothing was wrong at all..."[/color] Bride broke down, he couldnt take it anymore. He collasped on the dark abyss like floor and cried out in fear, this was not happeneing to him, this was not real at all...that thing was lying to him. [color=8dc73f]"Nonono....P-plea..se...st-sto...op...I do-dont...un-un...ders...ta...nd..."[/color] He begged out to the masked self. it looked down at him like it was some bugged that needed to be crushed, it crouched and took a hold of his pathetic crying face. Bride looked at his masked self, it looked sad yet angry as well...he clung on the sleeve and cried out more wanting that...horrid memory to stop. Those golden yellow eyes looked so sad yet angry at the same time.. [color=a0410d]"You don't get do you? People are going to treat you like that no matter what, use you, dump you, leave you all becuase of that pretty little face you have, to would be so nice to be born as a girl right? No more trouble like that but no mommy gave born to...you, a shiveling little whelp, a freak...At the end...you are going to be alone, no one will care for you, they wold be happy and you will be there still waiting for your fairy tale to come true but you know taht wont happen right..." [/color]Slowly the shadow wrapped it hands on Bride's fragile neck though before doing anything else it whsipered again. [color=a0410d]"So sleep...like in your fairy tale books... sleep and wait...for how long just wait...no one is coming for you so it be just great to sleep..."[/color] Bride closed his eyes and let a muffled out cry yet somehow he was fine...the fact he was going to die by it hands...he escaped death many tomes...that would be quick but then he heard voices...familiar voices. They...wanted to be friends they weren't going to leave like the others...? The shadow was surprised the voices reached them, it growled angrily and the spoke to them leaving Bride to listen and unable to answer. [h3]Mask[/h3] [color=a0410d]"Shut up! Like you care...friends that pure shit right there! They all just want to leave...You only want to be friends with that whelp because out of pity, I bet you are just going to use him right?! He cant hurt a fly that why it so easy to do so...At end you will just leave and there would be nothing left for him! Things would be easy if he was a girl but nope just a freak. You are just lying! Always lying! Liars! Just like dad, like those perverted fuckers just freaking liars!"[/color] The shadow screamed at them with anger and distress, they don't want to be friends at all, they were just going use him and throw him away like trash. The masked Bride came running heading towards Masako again striking her with the rake once more in anger, tears were running down the shadow face not believing at them at all...they were lying just lying...lies all lies... roll=17 (15 damage points for Masako again) It was a good hit, striking her at her leg then stepping back with a sad distraught face suddenly a sudden change in color of it eyes...it was a peach orange color with warmth and innocence to it. [color=8dc73f]"...re-a...real..ly?...fri...end...s?"[/color] Quickly the shadow covered it mouth surprised that whelp was able to speak out. the color though turned back to that evil golden yellow color. It was pissed and angry for that slip up to happen, it was sure it was going to made that weed shut up but he spoke through...Bride spoke through. ------- Hp=35/35 Sp=85/85