[i]-Volodyna, The People's Republic of Kataylabinsk-[/i] The cold arctic waters that splashed against the shore of the city of Volodyna rather amusingly weren't much of a change for its residents, as one of the most northern cities in the PRK. It's said that many people didn't even notice the change until they turned on their radios, since events move slowly this far north. The faintest sounds of artillery could be heard in the West, as PRK forces who were accustomed to peace were suddenly reacting to the invading forces of a country known as "Suomi" which appeared to be little more than a satellite of the great Deutscheland now threatening their western heartland. Against this familiar yet strange backdrop, Colonel Yelisey Shulga, commissar of the Far Northwestern Military District, met with the representatives of the first foreign nation of this new world. A soldier on each side held aloft the flag of the People's Republic, and four additional soldiers on each side with their rifles' barrels resting on their shoulders in a sign of respect. The colonel's uniform bore some decoration, but the ordinary soldier's uniforms were quite ordinary. A diplomat of the Foreign Commissar's office stood behind the Colonel. The first thing that struck Shulga about the crew of this ship of the Teutonic Order, in contrast to their own dress, was the decoration and ceremoniality. The PRK's military was quite utilitarian by contrast, preferring a low-key appearance. He nodded when Captain Hock approached, and agreed. "Indeed, we do. I am Colonel Shulga of the Kataylan Armed Forces, and this is diplomatic representative Minin. Would you care to follow us inside so that we may talk securely?" When they had arrived inside the nearby building, there was a simple wooden table with chairs and a fire prepared. Cups of coffee rested on the table, steaming. When they had settled, the Colonel spoke again. "As far as we can tell, this event has affected the world. Radio reports from our eastern and southern borders speak of displaced forces, nations, and confusion appears to reign. So it appears that we are not alone. Nothing appears to be coming from the west, besides the occasional chatter in what appears to be your language and coded military transmissions. So needless to say our government is very... confused about the current situation. Do you know any more about it, or are you as clueless as we are? And does your nation even appear to exist in this world?"