Having been on board the ship as Reggie left to drown his frustrations in various alcoholic beverages, Dimitri had found himself engrossed in tinkering with a small remote like device. The LED lights on his visor gave him the appearance of having his eyes narrowed in concentration as he carefully attempted to solder a few circuits into place. The narrow eyed appearance would quickly be replaced with a single large exclamation mark in the center of the visor as Reggie somewhat dramatically reentered the ship in distress. The shock caused Dimitri to drop his device, causing it to shatter on the floor to his dismay. "[color=00746b]Aw damn it, I spent like two hours putting that together...[/color]" He muttered before sighing and turning to see what his "captain" was currently fussing about. Dimitri cringed slightly as he watched Reggie try to give him in the crew puppy dog eyes. It may have been cute to the others, but Dimitri's past experiences with koala bears had jaded him to the point where he could see nothing but a desire for violence and eucalyptus leaves in those big black eyes. Dimitri's visor lit up with a horizontal red "X", and indication that he was not pleased with the sight, "[color=00746b]Alright tell us what you want us to do. But before that, please just STOP with that look! Jesus man.[/color]".