[b][h2][color=3a0600]Torin Hellsong[/color][/h2][/b][color=green]Raya T'mivus[/color] [color=ed1c24]Kasari Liesma[/color] Torin felt the tension in the room fade with every scratch of pen on paper, and when Raya came forward placing her hand on his knee he smiled. He may as well enjoy himself while he was here, there was no reason to hold back. He reached out and touched her face, letting his fingertips roam across her features, her ears and cheeks, nose and chin, lingering on her lips. It probably seemed like a gesture of affection but it was really just Torin's way of seeing her, as it were. Whereas a man with sight can simply gaze upon a woman and take in her beauty without ever touching her, Torin relied on his hands and other senses for such purposes. A difference in method he wasn't at all opposed to, and while there was always the impression her body left on the air, it could not compare to feeling the texture with real physical contact. As he pushed her hair back from her face his fingers slid down the back of her neck and then came to rest on the soft flesh of her throat. He could feel her pulse and the blood rushing through each artery and vein and capillary, filling her with warmth and life. How vulnerable she was, and how easy it would be for him to close his grip and put a stop to that lustrous flow. Strangulation wasn't his preferred mode of killing but there were always exceptions. The point was that she was completely at his mercy, and instead of feeling powerful Torin was a little surprised to realize that he only felt sorry for her. The women he'd grown up with, his mother and Tyrai, they were strong, they would never have allowed themselves to be brought as low as these Gems. Was he… disappointed? Torin couldn't be sure. He took another long draw on the pipe and smoke trickled from his nose and mouth as he spoke. [b][color=3a0600]"You've done well, Raya. The gods will surely reward your modesty and humble nature. And please,"[/color][/b] he raised his head so as to make it clear he was speaking to both of them, [b][color=3a0600]"When you are alone with me, you may simply call me Torin. You are my wives after all."[/color][/b] So-saying, the hand resting on Raya's throat moved to her back, slipping under the fabric of her dress to caress the smooth skin hidden beneath. He bent his head and said plainly, [b][color=3a0600]"This is going to hurt."[/color][/b] No sooner had the words escaped his lips a hot burning sensation flared up on Raya's upper back stretching from one shoulder blade to the other. It took no more than a few seconds and the heat faded as soon as it had come. As she recovered he rose from his seat, upturning his pipe to empty the ashes into the fireplace and returning the instrument to its case, which he placed on the table. While he was there he took the liberty of sealing the letters, pressing his signet ring into the soft scarlet wax. Now the only thing left to do was deliver them. After this he momentarily turned his attention to Kasari, hooking an arm around her waist and drawing her close to him. As he had with Raya, he touched Kasari's face tenderly, memorizing the curve of her jaw and the dimples on her cheek, her delicate little nose. [b][color=3a0600]"I apologize if it seems like I have been neglecting you, Kasari. Unfortunately I don't have the energy for both of you tonight, so once we are home you will be the first to experience the full luxury of my own bed, where the nights are mild and not nearly as cold as they are here."[/color][/b] He kissed her forehead, then tilted her head up and kissed her lips as his hands slid around to her back. Like before, an intense burning heat flared up across Kasari's back, etching an intricate pattern in fire across her skin. As quickly as before the heat faded, and her clothes were not even singed. Across both women's backs were [url=http://imagestattoo.com/wp-content/uploads/How-Much-Do-White-Ink-Tattoos-Cost.jpg]white heat-scars patterned to appear like fiery rays extending from the sun[/url]. It was the base design for Torin's personal crest, without his name and the maxim: [center][i]Ignis Rugit Aer Susurros Hellsong Videt Hostes Cruentatur[/i][/center] He held Kasari a moment, making sure the brief intense pain would not cause her to faint, though she seemed fairly hardy to him. [b][color=3a0600]"Accommodations have been provided for you in the room beside mine. It is nearer the hearth and should be warm enough, there are plenty of blankets and a down quilt. If there is anything else you need, do not hesitate to come to me, but I think you will be all right for one night. Whatever you do, do not leave this apartment. My men will stop you if you try, but it's for your own safety."[/color][/b] He released her with a parting kiss, loathe to pull away from her now that she was in his arms but knowing her time would come. Then he took Raya into the bedchamber, and left her alone. The room was smaller and lit by only two lamps: one near the door, and the other beside the bed. The stone floor was covered in bear and deer skins, a furry carpet to insulate against winter's ever-present chill in Shadow Worth. Still, without the fire it was much colder. Torin used a little more of his energy to warm the air to a more tolerable temperature. It wouldn't last long, but at least for the moment they wouldn't be shivering. He removed his boots and tunic, approached the wash basin in the corner and removed his mask, then splashed water across his face and neck. When he turned to her, shirtless and barefaced, Raya was offered a look at his true appearance. Most noticeable was a terribly deep scar that ran in a jagged line from his left temple, across both eyes leaving a gouge in the bridge of his nose, and ending in a thin line that crossed the edge of his right eyebrow. His left eye was the worst, little more than a white orb shot with inflamed blood vessels half-concealed by a tattered drooping eyelid and a lot of scarring around the socket. His right eye at first glance looked almost normal in comparison, until you noticed how clouded and grey it was, sightless and unmoving. He knew she would stare, people always did, thus his reason for wearing the mask. Battle scars are one thing, but drawing attention to an obvious weakness--and as well-adjusted as Torin was, his blindness [i]was[/i] a weakness--was just foolish. Other than the dreadful scar on his face though, Torin appeared to have no other scars. His skin was taut and smooth without a blemish to speak of. That was, until he stepped forward and took Raya's hands in his own. His forearms glistened in the lamplight, and the backs of them from wrist to elbow were covered in neat, horizontal lines. The length of each and distance between the others was so unsettlingly precise they couldn't be anything but intentionally inflicted, either by a torturer or--more frighteningly--perhaps Torin himself. They were old though, having healed years ago, so whatever it was that happened to him must have long been in the past, longer than even his blindness. Maybe even in his childhood. He kissed her hands, then reached around behind her and began unlacing the ties of her dress. [b][color=3a0600]"Are you more comfortable undressing in front of a man who cannot see you?"[/color][/b] he wondered in amusement, tilting his head until the tip of his nose brushed against her neck, followed by his lips. [b][color=3a0600]"Truthfully, I've not had a woman in my arms for some time, and you've been such a tease."[/color][/b] He bit her, suddenly. Not the small nip of a lover but the full extension of his jaws around her throat, though as before his hold on her was gentle and controlled, not intended to harm her in the slightest, in spite of the animalistic growl that resonated from within him. Teeth scraped lightly over her skin and in a moment the incident had passed and he was kissing her neck once again, the curve of one of his horns pressed coolly against her cheek as his hands roamed across her body, painting a picture of her in his mind. She was beautiful. [hider=Summary] -Torin seals the letters and puts his mark on Raya and Kasari. -He gives his wives permission to call him by name when they're alone. -He takes Raya to bed with him, revealing his face for the first time.[/hider]