[hider=Appearance] WIP [img]http://s28.postimg.org/3p64ek6zh/img002.png[/img] [/hider] [i]Real Name[/i]: Kristopher Cherry [i]Online Name[/i]: Aurrorian [i]Age[/i]: 16 [i]Personality[/i]: Two different personalities depending on situation. Can be eloquent, suave, and somewhat overbearing (unless at a disadvantage, then more humility) in public or when words are required over action. Otherwise prefers to be relaxed, direct with words (especially criticism), and at times cold. Has a rather dry sense of humor, preferring sarcasm and situation if nothing else, but his teasing can be relentless. Keeps friends and acquaintances alike at arm's length, though wouldn't mind a personal talk (just no one would think of him as someone to relate with). When bored out of his mind, goes into deep daydreams that are hard to shake off. Gets along better with people not of his age for some reason (younger/older). [i]Background[/i]: Kris/Cher was raised by a single mother, his father having passed away after birth. His mother struggled to raise him as a son, because she could only pass along her feminine traits, however hard she tried to be masculine. As such, young Kris/Cher became friends with boys who would be considered socially awkward like himself, and girls that he never thought of being the opposite gender with, yet was gentle, kind, and understanding as a child. Mother disapproved in the end, and in a shocking move switched her son to a different school district when he was old enough for secondary. Kris/Cher began to break down from that point on, and after initial rebellion, reluctantly and coldly slipped into routine. His previous slacking grades turned into top of his class, graduating with honors from secondary and becoming a valedictorian candidate for high school, as well as being captain of the debate club. Students secretly admired his stoicism and mysterious airs, yet gradually turned away from him as he proved to be aloof to their advances. His mother turned to relatives to help her sculpt him into the "perfect" man, forcing him to enroll in martial arts (which he did enjoy) and various sports (which he failed at). But deep inside him a lingering sense remained to return to his past, happy life as a child, and to address his insecure masculinity and suppressed femininity as equals. [i]Other[/i]: Picks up any skill with relative ease and little instruction. [hider=Avatar Appearance] WIP [/hider] [i]Avatar Name[/i]: Gun-Metal Fog [i]Level[/i]: 3 [i]Relation[/i]: Pending [i]Abilities[/i]: [u]Limited Activation[/u] Materialize - Fog can gather parts of his misty left half-body and form humanoid torso and limbs that match his right side. They can interact as a normal body part would, but any attack that would sever or mutilate a normal body part disintegrates it back into mist and deals damage. Like Wind - Fog converts the right side of his body into more mist, and can expand his form until the individual molecules are invisible to regular eyes. While in this form he can float through air, slip through even the smallest of cracks (though takes longer to fully emerge), and even ride wind currents. Fog can only reform his body given enough room, anywhere else will damage him severely the tighter the squeeze. [u]Special Move[/u] Hazy Clone - Fog duplicates an Enhanced Armament he's currently wielding and equips it to a Materialized left arm. Hazy Clone follows the same rules as Materialize, also if firing a ranged weapon, ammunition is replaced by depleting Fog's health for the percent of damage to deal. Wound Tear - Fog widens a gap in armor or previous wound by inserting part of his misty left side and inducing pressure buildup in the cavity, can also be used with Daybreak. Deals less damage in game as it would feel to the Avatar. [i]Enhanced Armament[/i]: Daybreak - Fog's personal pistol sword that he can vary the blade length between knife and sword. The pistol part is a six-shot revolver that reloads by forming cartridges out of mist (or can buy different ammunition from stores). A special property is that wherever a bullet strikes translates the target to an equivalent on the human body, and causes relative damage (a headshot being the most "damaging"), provided it strikes an unarmored area. Fog can wield the sword with his right hand, but prefers to relegate the Hazy Clone as a gun. Daybreak is also affected by Like Wind. [i]Legion[/i]: None.