"Link..." Zelda said the name slowly, as if she was testing it out. She found the name to be rather appropriate, if nothing else. She could tell that Link had a million questions on his mind. Certainly this situation was making him nervous if nothing else. Oddly enough Zelda was feeling more at ease than she had in weeks, almost calm. Her visions were slowly coming to pass, Link, the boy clan in green, was here, and somehow that fact alone gave her a sense of peace that she'd been missing for a long while. "...you'll have to forgive me, I know you were hardly expecting this but...would you accompany me to the garden? I promise to explain everything." Link slowly rose looking at the king a moment before he looked to the princess. "Of course... Lead the way Princess." He followed her, doing his best not to look directly at her. He was worried this would turn into one of those corny stories told in inns about a farmer and princess. She was beautiful but Link barely knew her and he certainly had no ambition to be king of Hyrule or to sit in a castle growing fat. "Princess, what is this about. I'm quite confused as to why you called me to follow you." The King was left wondered what had gotten into his daughter as the Princess and Link left the throne room. He merely shook his head. The garden was but a short distance from the throne room, and even as Link asked his question they had already arrived, Zelda turned to face him. "Before I begin, let me assure you that this will hardly be a corny story told in the inns about a farmer and a princess...unfortunately this is a far more serious and dire matter." Zelda paused, Link was more than likely wondering if the Princess has read his mind. That was a question left unanswered for the moment. "I've been given prophetic visions of what the future holds for Hyrule...they have been dark and ominous at best...they have plagued my mind for weeks..." She paused, letting that sink in. If she fed Link information too fast he'd quickly become overwhelmed. "A dark man, one of great power, the prince of thieves, he is coming, and he will bring darkness and ruin to Hyrule...I know not how, or why...but this is what the Goddesses have revealed to me." She rubbed her arm, wondered how well Link would take what she said next. "And there was you...a boy clad in green...you appeared in my visions as well, you are the key to saving Hyrule..." He looked towards the door, he thought to run when finished, even if he to be a hero he didn't want to. Then he realized that sense of dread he felt back before he left, that was because he'd come here. Now he had to, he couldn't turn down the princess or back out, if it was true then soon his home, his friends, his own life would be threatened. "I'll... I'll help, but we can't do much from here in the castle, I'm also going to need a better shield and sword. Mine are alright but they wouldn't stand up to monsters or the even the guard's weapons." He said looking at the gardens. Link paused a moment. "Princess... I know we just met, but I trust you. Perhaps I can sneak you out in the cart I came? All we would need is disguise for you to wear while we are in town, the festival would make it easy to move around." He said carefully looking at her. Suddenly, she could see a glowing on his hand, the triforce of courage lay within this young man. She had picked correctly even Link stared at it in awe. "So I really am... I'm the Hero..." He said just staring at the mark. Link had no idea how relieved she was to hear him agree to help. "Thank you Link...I know this is more than a little overwhelming but..." She looked at her own hand as the triforce of wisdom glowed from being in such close proximity to it's sibling. She knew the legends, it was her birthright, she had expected it to appear on her hand sooner or later, but it was still surprising to see. She could feel both pieces of the triforce now, feel their presence...but she could also feel...yes the third...the triforce of power, it was here, in Hyrule. It was distant, but she could sense it... But that would mean...so could [i]he[/i], at least for that moment. She thought it was best to assume the enemy would be just as aware of the triforce as they were. "...I agree...it would be best if I left the castle...I had been preparing to do so..." She rubbed her hands, she was feeling nervous again, the enemy was close. "The sword you brought for the tribute...take it. I think it will serve you far better than anyone else. As for a shield, there are plenty in the armory to choose from." He nodded as the glowing finally stopped."Come with me, I think we should head to town and spend the night there before we move on. We should put distance between you and the castle, if there is evil he carries the missing piece of the Tri-force. Power, courage and wisdom won't be enough to stop him. If anyone asks who you are in town, we can just tell them you and I are attending the festival together." He looked back towards the castle. "I can go wait by my cart, could you get the sword and meet me there. I can get a shield in town." He started back towards the throne room, he could see the castle servants whispering, pointing at the farmboy. They were spreading the rumors no doubt, about him and the Princess. He didn't stop them, just returned to his cart waiting for her to come to the cart. He stopped however looking at a strange girl just outside the gate. A fairy, he realized as he stared at her. With the awakening of the triforce pieces it seemed like Link had already gotten bolder, the work of the triforce of courage perhaps? Who could say really? Either way he seemed to be taking the initiative. With a nod Zelda went off to collect the sword, she stopped in the armory and picked it up before heading to her chambers to change into her disguise. Once she was finished, she was no longer wearing her traditional gold and pink, her flashy jewelry and crown were gone, they drew far too much attention. Instead she was wearing a simpler outfit, a simple pink dress along with a hood and cloak, it made her look like a lower class noble or even a commoner that was well off, it would work perfectly. There was one thing she took with her, a rapier with a golden hilt, passed down from Queen to Princess for ages. She wasn't eager to use it, but she knew the wisdom in being prepared. She was as ready as she'd ever be, she took a secret passageway out of her chambers and headed to where Link's cart resided, Link's sword in hand.