[@Oblivion666][@AbigailTenshi] [Center][h3][b][color=B57EDC]Kagiko Shuiji[/color][/b][/h3][/center] Kagiko listened and watched as the Captains took their place, listening a Sai spoke about not needing a pecking order. To Kagiko working all on an equal level would achieve nothing...this was why any sensible military organisation had ranks. It was more so a person knew their place...Kagiko wasn't an unreasonable man..."[color=B57EDC]I believe order is needed. It's what we know best and is the formula we are used to so why change it? You other Captains have come here with your squads, I have not...I only placed myself in the position of Head Captain as I know the man we are dealing with the best and as far as I know I'm the only one that has the experience to get us back. Remember this is not the Gotei 13...this is something else...[/color]" Kagiko then rubbed the back of his head with his right hand before continuing to speak "[color=B57EDC]Just because I named myself as the Head Captain of our little order doesn't mean I will work the same as the traditional Head Captain. I'm very open to opinions but all I'm really here to do is guide us in the right direction and give you other Captains tasks to fulfil with your Squads. That aside...remember to watch yourselves out there as we don't have limiters on...that means we will be attracting hollows so look for somewhere that's out of the way. As for contacting one another...we will have to improvise with that until I can find the time to create some devices that allow us to communicate. The one thing I will ask is this...does anyone have any questions or problems with this?[/color]"