[quote=@Archmage MC] So, what are we waiting on to get the IC started? Also maybe include an (Open) in the topic title so we get more people after awhile. [/quote] Good idea! I'll do that and I'm currently waiting on [@G3njii] and [@Chezka] to finish their character sheets before starting the actual RP. EDIT: Also, here's a preview of the writeup I'm doing for Bravery, to hold you guys over :p I'm going out for the night, so I won't be on for a few hours. I'll finish this when I get back. [hider] [hr] The Plane of Bravery is relatively large plane, the second largest of the seven realms of light. It boasts a continent rivalling the size of Sanctuary, and several smaller islands surrounding it. Large castles and bustling towns dot the mountainous landscape, with sweeping forests and majestic seas tucked away between ridges and in valleys. Small villages and tiny hamlets abound as well, tucked away into every nook and cranny imaginable. One of the main features of Bravery is it's extensive train system. Over hundreds of years, miles of track have been built into the landscape, connecting every major population centre for easy transportation of its people. The Plane is home to a proud people, who put duty before self and the protection of others above all else. History's greatest Knights and soldiers hail from Bravery, their valour knowing no bounds. Their people are simple but care-free, a dozen races living together in harmony. They are most happy with a hard day's work, and are warm and inviting to travellers. The people of Bravery have embraced magic with open arms, and have integrated it into their society. Grand airships powered by wind crystals carry hundreds of passengers to towns unreachable by foot. Fleets of boats powered by water crystals allow quick movement from the main land to islands, making travel and trade easily accessible. Mages are almost as common as knights in Bravery, and become beacons of light, bettering life for all citizens of the Planes of Light. [hr] [/hider]