Surprised at the openness of the Colonel, Captain Hock decided to reply in turn, "As far as myself and my senior staff can determine, 'The Event' as you call it is a deliberate and surgical action taken by an unknown party. Knights of the Teutonic Order were withing shouting distance of my crew members when the world warped, all those under my command remained, all those under different jurisdiction and their works were unmade, nation included we presume." "As for the West, I'm not sure what happenings transpired in your worlds history but I will do my best to explain what I can. Despite the stoic defense of the Teutonic Order and other east European nations Germany was winning the global conflict by a vast majority, emboldened by their advances they broke their treaty with the U.S.S.R., the nation which in our world holds your lands, and began a surprise invasion. The effects of this betrayal can be seen in this world, as we discovered in Leningrad, my ship and crew were to regroup with escaping forces not far from there but it appears the east was less sturdy in this world." "Having said all this our intentions are to liberate the Svalbard islands, taking the city of Longyearbyen and its various facilities to sustain a continued offensive against Germany. Any assistance, support or information you can offer would met with our gratitude and reciprocation." Having finished his speech Captain Hock downed the coffee, which thankfully was strong enough to offset the hours spent worrying on the bridge.