As soon as the trouble in front of the auditorium was solved and everyone had departed, Addie followed Rei and Sayaka to whoever room they wished to pick and immediately jumped into the bathroom to take the paint off of herself. Only then, she started to notice Sayak's unusual behavior when she talked about Rei and how she tried to touch the blue haired assassin all the time, which Addie found strange [color=9966cc]"What are you doing, Sayaka-san? Why are you trying to ask Rei to help you with your bandages? If you don't mind I could do that too"[/color] the small white haired girl said, as she got out of the shower drapped in a towel [color=9966cc]"I even have a first-aid, see?"[/color] Addie said as she produced said kit from within her bag, while she was looking for a fresh change of clothes. After that, she changed into a black tank top, under lousy light purple shirt, matching denim shorts worn over black leggings and a pair of old school Converse sneakers and sat at her bed, waiting for Rei and Sayaka, swinging her feet idly like a grade schooler. It was then that the announcement about the early lunch sounded and made Addie look around a bit confused [color=9966cc]"Uh? What do we do now, Rei and Sayaka-san?"[/color] she asked [color=9966cc]"Could that be another event like the auditorium? Do you think more people will get hurt?"[/color] Addie fell silent as she waited her roommates' answers. Meanwhile... Midori haven't even reached her room when the announcement rang throught the PA system, but didn't cared that much for that unexpected change too [color=lime][i]"Well, at least I'll be free of that Shark-girl while I have lunch..."[/i][/color] she thought as she made a turn to the the school's cafeteria while still carrying her belongings with her. Not that she had much more than her sword bag, to begin with... A little further away from there... Kaede got into her room to find out that only Izumi was there [color=firebrick]"Hi"[/color] she said as a quick greeting to her namesake, while trying to hide her slightly flushed face using her scarf. Once she had set all her things properly, Kaede said [color=firebrick]"Where's Donna? I thought that she would be here already."[/color] But, before she could continue the conversation, the announcement about lunch rang and Kaede got up from her bed and went to the bathroom so that she could change into [url=]something[/url] more appropriate for her next task. Once she was done, Kaede picked her scarf and placed it around her neck, becoming the very image of a ninja maid, one of the most advanced levels of training that a female assassin can attain, before heading out to the cafeteria. [color=firebrick]"I'll be going forward... if Donna comes back, tell her to not mess with my things, please."[/color] Kaede said to Izumi just as she exited their room. [hr] [@TheWindel][@Spriggs27]