[@Oblivion666] [@abigailtenshi] [@kurisa] Shin had been going about simple, every day shinigami business. He had been writing reports and the such as he normally did until a booming voice and a light interrupted him. As the ground shook, he looked about, unable to decide what to do for a moment. "Traverse the heavens in but a step, Ma!" He shouted, turning his zanpakuto to its shikai form. As the ground shook, he let himself fall, swinging the two halves of his shikai above and below him so he could take his time with looking around. Because of his shikai's ability, he had practice with using it to ensure he wasn't being thrown about randomly, and thus, looked around while falling through the portals. He would bring his hands down to hit the ground before he went through the portal occasionally so as to avoid going too fast. This didn't last very long though, as the ground glowing faded, but so did his knowledge of where he was. [hr] The human world [hr] Shin opened his eyes slowly, but quickly closed them again as the sun nearly blinded him for a moment. He brought his arm up, giving himself some shade while his eyes adjusted and he looked around. "That wasn't some prank, then..." He said as he realized he was in the human world. He sat up and checked his waist for his zanpakuto, which, for some reason, was sealed and in the sheathe, despite his using it only moments prior. He looked to another shinigami who seemed to understand what was going on, and label himself temporary head captain. He hadn't gotten many chances to interact with shinigami from other squads, so the only thing he knew was that it was the captain of squad 12. He stood up, looking around only to see that other members of his own squad seemed absent, and thus, he went to the closest squad to his own... At least number-wise. He didn't know the captains all that well, as he'd focused on his own squad mostly, but he could at least pick them out of the crowd with ease. He saw captain Sui Sanada standing with other captains, by the look of it, and stepped over towards them, bowing as he did. "Apologies for interrupting, but captain Sui Sanada, I would like to request to act as a member of your squad for the time being... Seeing as squad ten seems to be missing." he glanced up, hoping to see a reaction, "If you need to know about my zanpakuto, I can explain the shikai." He was about to wait for a response before realizing he hadn't introduced himself. "Oh, right... Sorry captain Sanada, my name is Shin Kimoto, fifth seat of squad ten."