[b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School[/b] Following her own answer, Kotori waited for Shizuka to respond - which brought a small smile to her lips when the younger girl explained that she was both in agreement with any of the options and wished to experience how it was to grow plants and flowers; a sentiment that Kotori understood too well. She nodded in agreement when Matt spoke up, saying he'd help her along the way - and looking his direction quizzically for a moment when he went on to speak of a brief moment of his childhood. She was still a little amazed at the way the club president would just go off on tangents and keep on talking without prompts - but perhaps she was just noticing it more with the added contrast of Shizuka being present. The brief pause that followed seemed to only serve to collect his thoughts as he then went on again, this time addressing the previous issue once more of what they were to do during club hours; seemingly speaking his mind aloud was he thought on it. When he mentioned possibly having to take time off from work for it, a brief [color=green]"ah"[/color] came over Kotori's lips. [color=green]"Uhm, if there's anything w... I can do, please let me know,"[/color] she quickly said with a small bow - barely catching herself from saying 'we' and inadvertantly volunteering Shizuka for it too. Though Kotori didn't doubt she'd also be inclined to do so, it seemed a little rude to just speak for the girl. Furthermore, she felt a little guilty that he might have to ask for time off from work despite having told her that it would be no problem to occasionally skip out on club days if she had to help out at the shop back home, leaving her to glance over to Shizuka for her thoughts on the matter whilst her fingers began to once more nervously fidget with the hem of her skirt.