[center][img=http://veluriorqidea.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/the-power-of-imagination-by-dp-studios-1680x1050.jpg?w=576&h=360][/center] Hey! My name's Blitz. You probably don't know me. That's fine. Now you do. [b][u]A little bit about me[/b][/u] [*]I'm a boy.[/*] [*]I'm straight, lol.[/*] [*]My roleplaying style is fairly casual. If I get a burst of inspiration though, you'd better get your reading glasses. That was lame. Come back to me.[/*] [*]I swear profusely. Weeeell, not profusely. But often.[/*] [*]I like romance. A roleplay doesn't need it, but doing a 'fluffy,' friendly bullshit is not my thing.[/*] [*]I'm friendly![/*] [*]In OOC, I may get lazy with spelling and capitalization and punctuation... and any other established writing rules, but I do not let my roleplaying quality slip.[/*] [*]Oh, I'm figuratively being molested by homework as of late, but I do get on at least once a day to check on things. If I'll be gone for an extended period of time, I'll tell you.[/*] [*]If you feel things aren't working out, just tell me! I'll do the same. No hard feelings. Really. Why are people so afraid of it?[/*] [b][u]What I'm looking for[/b][/u] [*]Preferably a female who will play a female. But, of course, there's no way I'd know otherwise.[/*] [*]Someone who's okay with profanity, gore, and maybe sex. Maybe. I might just fade to black because I'm more immature about it than I have the pride to admit.[/*] [*]Someone who doesn't mind conversing and dealing with my general idiocy.[/*] [*]Someone who has original ideas and isn't afraid to share or suggest them![/*] I have two plots in mind, but... I think I'll only do the one that gets interest first. I'm have a fear of getting myself into too many roleplays to handle. I hope you can understand, lol. [hider=Secret Agents (not cliché... maybe)] [center][img=http://www.danbradbury.com/superconference2012/images/speakers/secret_agent.jpg][/center] I've been watching Archer a loooooot. It just appeals to my general dark and crude humor combined with the thrill of being a badass secret agent. If you haven't seen the show I highly recommend you watch it if you're into those kinds of things. It's animated, but I don't think it's anime. Oh, and it actually has a pretty good storyline. Anyway, I want to do a roleplay that's based off the show. I don't wanna do an exact copy, of course. We could have our own agency and agents. The unpredictability our the missions could help keep things interesting, plus I'd love to see how we deal with unexpected issues, like, I don't know, booby traps and whatnot, hahaha. Obviously, we would play as the probably very sexy field agents. I.S.I.S has only, like three field agents, (or maybe four now?), but there can be a lot more. We're pretty flexible here. Anyway, yeah, this has the potential to prove to be very fun indeed. [/hider] [hider=High School] [center][img=http://splitsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/high-school-couple-e1350910374266.jpg][/center] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bite me. I don't know why, but I love a good dramatic, high school-themed, modern roleplay. I'm also totally open to having some kind of supernatural twist to it, like, superpowers or something. Hell, they could even find some kind of genie lamp or something. Damn. I don't know. This is even more flexible than the Secret Agent idea. If you have any ideas, definitely share them. [/hider] That's it for now. As I said, I probably won't make a commitment to both roleplays, so I'll probably close this down after I get one set up. But maybe not... I'm indecisive. I'll see, lol. Anyway, it's pretty late. I'm gonna go to bed, but I'll check back here when I get home from practice tomorrow. PM me or post here. Either is fine.