[Center][h1]Stonepaw|Sparrowlegs[/h1][/center] Stonepaw was being groomed by his sister when he woke up, he leaped to his feet [color=crimson]"So Russetpaw what do you want to do?"[/color] she shrugged and that's when Stonepaw offered [color=crimson]"Let's go see the elders! We haven't some find them boring but they can tell some cool stories, do you remember them telling us about them when we were kits?!"[/color] Russetpaw frowned "I don't feel well" Stonepaw turned his head [I]She seemed fine a minute ago[/I] he thought shows was to shy to go to the elders. Stonepaw went anyway As Stonpaw padded up to the elder den Sparrowlegs was the only elder up besides one other elder who was just pretending to be asleep. Sparrowlegs turned to the apprentice and asked [color=yellow]"Good morning Stonepaw, what brings you here"[/color] Stonepaw got closer so when he did speak Sparrowlegs could hear him. [Color=crimson]"Well I wanted to hear some of your interesting stories[/color] Sparrowlegs moved his head above his paws as he laided down showing his interest in telling others stories. [Color=yellow]"Well let's see....." as he told tales of the forest, Stonepaw listened purring.[/color]