[@KillBox][@AbigailTenshi][@Kurisa][@rusty4297] Koyo could not help but smile at Sai's look of concern for her, though she was sad that she had caused worry for Sai it was nice that she truly cared for them. Waving her hands back and forth she was about to explain and try to calm Sai down but suddenly the ground started to shake violently![color=fff79a][b] "Captain?!"[/b][/color] She reached out to grab onto her captains robes to help steady herself, however her attention was suddenly taken by the booming voice, causing her to straighten up and guard Sai. [b]"I shall spare you all your lives...however you are now no longer members of the Gotei 13...the Gotei 13 will be reshaped by me. You're all now obsolete...consider this your only warning. If you come back here then I will be forced to kill you all...now~ Begone..." [/b] It was then that a bright light and force started to burst from below them, and though she had retained her stoic and alert demeanor even as this happened, she turned to grab onto Sai's hand, pulling the two of them together as she light engulfed them, sending her mind into darkness. Did she fail to protect Sai? Was she dead? No, this feeling was... [h3]The human world[/h3] [color=ed145b]"Come on, awaken already. They are starting without you."[/color] [color=fff79a]"Ah" [/color]Her eyes shot open, the swaying grass before her giving way to the sea of black and white that were her fellow shinigami. Pressing her hands into the earth she listened to the captains talk as she stood up from the ground, a certain stiffness around her neck reminded her the fact she lacked the top half of her uniform. How long was she out for anyway? Though that did not really matter right now as some rather heavy stuff was being thrown around, such as pecking order which Koyo did not seem pleased with Kagiko declaring himself head captain all of the sudden [color=fff79a][b]"I think Sai should be head"[/b][/color] She cared after all and, just like that she noticed she had said that out loud, causing her to blush a little[color=fff79a][b] "Ah, I mean you make some good points captain Kagiko."[/b][/color] She bowed her head a little, hoping that her embarrassment was not noticed by others. Koyo straighten up as she heard her captain trying keep moral up, it lit a fire in her chest as she decided to join in, after all she was not dubbed Squad Thirteen's mascot for nothing! [color=fff79a][b]"She is right! After all we have our capable captains here with us, there is no way we can lose." [/b][/color]Giving a small fist pump, she then turned to the captains as she decided to give her input on what to do, after all only the basics had been laid out. [color=fff79a][b]"May I suggest that lower members of other squads start expelling hollow that are likely to start coming in due to our influence? While this is happening Squad Thirteen will start searching for a area where we can make a HQ, after all we know the area the best."[/b][/color] Her attention was split by the few shinigami that came due to now having their captains here [color=fff79a][b]"I don't see why not, that is of course if Captain Kagiko doesn't need your assistance... Also, give me your shirt?" [/b][/color]She was decent but it was cold in the human world...