Fieri, quaking and quivering, gradually regained her wits about her. The ringing, pounding dullness of pure terror washed away to reveal stark ingenuity. Through her torment, Fieri made a breakthrough. [i]Pressure plates activate traps. If I could [b]see and activate them[/b], I'd be safe![/i] Fieri's tail kicked a few pebbles out of the way as she sprang forward out of the fetal position, making a loud clattering sound against the stone floor. [i]Pebbles are easy to throw and strike the ground with some force... I can make them strike with [b]more force[/b]. All I need is some power, and a way to contain them...[/i] Fieri looked over to the ruined corpse of the poor adventurer who had post-humuously saved her. With no small amount of hesitancy, she patted the corpse down, blindly searching for pouches, satchels, or sacks. Fieri breathed a deep sigh of relief when her questing hand found the familiar malleable shape of a leather pouch, and she quickly ripped it from the corpse's belt. Fieri snatched a handful of pebbles from the ground, and retreated back towards the entrance of the Prison-Castle. In what dull light spilled through from the surface, Fieri began one of her finest works. With an artist's skilled hand, Fieri opened her Mana Battery Kit. In it was an array of tools, from paintbrushes to engraving tools, all arranged alongside inkwells, crushed mana batteries, and pastepots. This was the workbench of the Artificer, and this was the home of what makes a normal being into a hero. Each of the tools within was carefully artificed to transfer just the right amount of magic into its canvas. Fieri gracefully pulled a paintbrush and a fluorescent-blue inkwell from her kit, and daubed the brush in enchanted ink. With one quick motion, she everted the leather pouch, and carefully began drawing arcane designs on its insides. To a layman, Fieri's caligraphy was nonsense-- a meaningless series of geometric shapes surrounded by a wordless alphabet. To an Artificer, however, the shapes and letters were given form. An endless series of carefully-calculated equations designed to selectively alter the inner workings of reality. With an Artificer's aid, one could make ice shoot fire, or a cannonball weigh only an ounce. The inscriptions Fieri was drawing across the innards of this mundane bag were relatively simple by Artificing standards: nothing more than a simple spell to grow anything touching it, as well as empowering them with magical force. The net effect would be simple but noticeable: anything placed within the inside of the bag would grow to twice its size, and whenever it was struck, it would release a small amount of magical force and light equal to a good stomp from a full-grown human foot. To finish her work, Fieri re-everted the pouch and placed a full-fledged, fully-charged mana battery in it. With a soothing hum, The Pebble Pouch filled itself with magical energy. Fieri dubbed it "The Pebble Pouch". Fieri was not very good at naming things. Fieri smiled confidently, and withdrew the spent mana battery from the confines of The Pebble Pouch. She rubbed her scalp thoughtfully, and began brainstorming yet more potentially-valuable products. Torches that needed no pitch or fire, poles that exerted large amounts of force at one end, plates of metal that heated themselves up enough to cook by! Giggling gleefully, Fieri snatched a few torches from the walls, extinguished them, and happily began her Artificing again.