[h2]Haven - Day One[/h2] It was a sunny, cool day around the settlement. A few clouds were in the sky, but none large enough to block out the late morning sunshine. Ten o'clock AM on a Wednesday, the eighteenth of November, though days and months mattered little in the post apocalyptic world the survivors were unfortunate enough to find themselves in. They were now just a way for the people who still kept track of them to ready themselves for the changing seasons. Winter would be upon them in a few weeks, and the many pessimists assumed that it would be a terrible one to come. It was a quiet morning, as a few crows flapped their black wings over town, their eyes on the people below, the birds were in search of any carrion in the area. There was none of that to be found in the settlement. It had been almost a week since the settlement had to deal with a dead person, they had since burnt and buried the corpse away from town. But there was a buzz in the air among the people of the settlement, food supplies were starting to run low, they would need to send out a scavenging party, maybe others to hunt for wildlife in the dangerous area that was around them. [hr] Logan Walsh moved through town like a man on a mission, with each footstep his green eyes scanned the sights in front of him. He was an early riser, always had been, the change to a post apocalyptic world had only invigorated that in him. The thoughts in his mind were focused on the food, their supply of rations was dwindling by the day, but the thought of assembling a party to go out and find food always scared the cautious man. He walked into the beaten wooden house across from the towering church, pushing open the front door as he entered, it popping open with a creak. When he had originally come upon the abandoned settlement, the door was off the hinges outside of the building. Some of the Haven's residents put it back onto its hinges but the creaking was something that wasn't addressed. The house had become a sleeping area for some of the settlement's residents, it had a roof over most of it, that was enough for the people that took shelter within its walls. He walked into a room, what used to be a den, and found his own daughter Alexandra on the floor, her hands holding a book as she turned a page. Though her beautiful blue eyes focused on her father as he entered the room with a knock. Her eyes were always something that made him somber to look upon, they were like his wife's own ocean blue irises. "I'm surprised your awake, how long have you been up?" Logan asked her as he leaned against the door frame. "A couple of hours, I don't sleep that well anymore." Alexandra replied as her blue eyes drifted back to the book. "What are you reading?" "Some old book I found in one of the bedrooms, its about this college kid that left his old life behind to live in the woods up in Alaska." She said. "That would be a nice place to live with all of the zombies running around." Logan said with a smile. "Yeah, well he died because he was totally unprepared to live there. It's sad." "I'm sure. But you can't sit around and read all day, what were you going to do today?" "Well, I heard that we're running out of food. I thought that I could volunteer to go out and search for some?" She said, her words turning into a question directed at her father who was one of the leaders in the settlement. "No, it's too dangerous. It's a completely different way out there, you never know what or who you will run into. I think you'd be better off helping out Jane or Morgan with the wounded, you'd probably learn something." He said back, his voice with a stern tone to it. "Come on dad. You know I can help out there, please?" She asked as he popped to her feet and left the book on the floor in the process. "Still no, we have people that I think would be best at it." "But you said yourself that everyone has to help out, I can [i]help[/i] them." She said, looking right at him with her ocean eyes. "Yes, you can help, medically. You're a smart kid, I'd love it if you focused that on saving lives. We can never have enough doctors around here." Logan said back, then folded his arms before his daughter stormed past him, upset that her father had shot down the idea.