DOesn't look like Shifter has been on in a while either, and Shift plays the captain, while a lot of the crew can be replaced right now since it hasn't really started off too much, you can't really have a crew without a captain which is problematic. I'm all for us continuing on and seeing if anyone picks up and comes back, the only hitch we have is going on without a captain ... Perhaps we could start again from scratch (You and me at least, anyone still here can jump back in), instead of starting off on the ship, maybe we could do more of an origin story. I'd be willing to make up a replacement captain character in the mean time if you'd rather avoid a backstory and go straight to the ship. as for pursuing a backstory, would you be happy to RP Loire joining Viva on her adventures as an accompanying medic for whatever class vessle she is flying? Or perhaps Viva could pick Loire up from the colony planet he was working on to take him back to the citadel and they talk there etc? At this point, we'll have to scrap Sassy until the Sirius actually enters the equation. Recap (for my brains sake lol) we have a pilot and a medic for definite anyway, all we really need aside from that is a captain and a merc (everything else is just extras, which are welcome once this rp gets a foothold). We could even try do this in another thread as a 1x1 of sorts if you want to go ahead with things a little faster paced, with a few tweaks we could make a new captain or NPC one and see how things play out with Viva, Sassy and Loire and any other characters if you wish to introduce more (I'm on RPG virtually every day so the pace wouldn't be as slow as a group rp if you wanted something with a more rapid pace).