[u][h3]Kuhaku Shiro - Team SASG's Dorm[/h3][/u] Shiro's eyes snapped open as he woke with a start, sharply gasping. Still bleary-eyed and groggy from the medication, he sat up and put a hand on his head.[i]"Ugh."[/i] Back up against the sink counter, he rubbed at the corners of his eyes and looked around to regain his bearings. Scoot sat curled in a ball asleep next to him. His weapons lay still in their combined transport mode. Looking at the clock he tried to recall the exact time he had fallen unconscious. He wasn't asleep for long, though his body ached like it had been in a coma for an eternity. Gradually, his body and mind approached full wakefulness. Quietly muttering to himself so as to not wake Scoot, [b]"I was out for a few minutes? Gosh, I feel like I'd woken from the dead.."[/b] Smacking his lips, his mouth dry, Shiro then froze up. [b]"...W-wait."[/b] That's right, a voice he heard was the culprit responsible for his interrupted 'nap'. Cold fear growing within his heart, his senses went on high alert. The voice he had heard was clear as day, as if it were holding a conversation in the very same bathroom he sat in. Dryly swallowing, his eyes scanned the bathroom in its entirety to ensure that he was alone save for Scoot. No one else was present and there was nowhere else anyone could hide. But, he was certain he had heard a voice talking to him. He wasn't going crazy, right? He is still sane. The medication works. His attack should've passed, the episode should've been over by this point. He shouldn't be hearing any more voices. Looking back at the sleeping Scoot, it couldn't have been his ferret friend. The voice that spoke to him was female sounding and actually stringed together a complete sentence. Looking at the slightly ajar bathroom door, Shiro crept up to its side and pressed a silver/white tiger ear against it. Blinking as he waited for a few tense moments, he heard nothing in the adjacent main room. Peering through the open crack of the bathroom door, his golden eyes strained to see if anyone was in his team's dorm. Again, he saw nothing. A bead of cold sweat rolled down the side of his face as he carefully opened the door. Cursing to himself as its hinges and joints creaked noisily. [i]"Shit! What am I doing?"[/i] He was braver than this. Or so he thought. Getting angry with himself, he grabbed the door and swung it wide open with a loud crash. This wasn't some horror movie and he is not some actor that was only meant to serve as fodder. Regardless, he still shut his eyes tight as he braced for some terrible thing to happen. But nothing did. Opening his eyes, he crossed the threshold and stood in the center of his empty dorm room. Turning around a full 360 degrees as he did a quick eye sweep, he stood alone. His fear and apprehension only grew more and more with each passing minute. He was certain he heard a voice speaking to him! Swiftly moving to shut the door to the room, he pressed his back against it as his eyes continued their frantic search for something or someone that wasn't there. Clearing his throat, [b]"Wh-who's there? Is there someone here with me? If there is, come out now! I'm not in the mood for any stupid games of hide and seek!"[/b] Breathing hard, he slid down into a sitting position and grabbed at his head with both hands. White hair sticking out in between his gloved fingers, he shut his eyes and could feel himself slipping away into another pit of despair. He felt like crying. [i]"Why? Why does my Semblance do this to me?"[/i] He sharply inhaled and tried his damnedest to fight back the pitiful tears. [i]"Why does this have to happen? I'm not losing my mind, am I? I'm not crazy! I'm not going nuts!"[/i] Were the Shadows becoming invisible to him now too? How could something that no one else could see become invisible to the single person who could? Going through his breathing exercises again, Scoot by this point had woken up and tentatively crawled up to his tiger Faunus friend. [i][b]"Friend?"[/b][/i] the ferret asked in earnest concern.