What a weird dream that was Asger though when he opened his eyes and squinted at the lights above him. He heard a chuckle followed by what felt like hands on his back propping him up. "Good morning Mr. Asger, how are you?" The lights continued to mess up his vision but he managed to glare through the fog and make out a young man smiling at him. Asger shuffled backwards, promptly falling into the floor. He heard more laughing and turned red before the young man shushed them. "Quiet guys, he just woke up. You guys didn't get nailed by a battleboar now did you? Didn't think so." Asger was very confused but he accepted the outstretched hand that was offered him and stood up, this time his focus coming into clarity. "Where am I?" He looked around the room which looked like a medical ward of some sort and his 'nurse'? Just sighed. "Not my place to tell ya mate, Loki's kid is doing a tour for all you new folk. Better get in there before you're late." Asger opened his mouth to respond only to have his form pushed quite roughly towards the door. He glared behind him but continued walking until he came upon a group standing in the open. He walked along with them listening and trying to pay attention while taking everything in. He was very surprised when those that were still bastards in their eyes were accepted and blessed by their godly parent. When Tyr claimed him a deep pride rushed over the 15 year old's form and he rose with a newfound energy coursing through his veins. At the end of the tour when Ronin dismissed them Asger stayed back near the other Tyrsson and stuck out his hand. "Heya. Name is Asger, guess we're half-brothers huh?"