[u][h3]Kuhaku Shiro[/h3][/u] [i]Knock-knock.[/i] Shiro's mind blanked as he grew rigid. [i]"That was definitely a knock at the door."[/i] For a split second, the knock startled him and had to fight the urge to bolt away from the door. But, the voice that spoke to him from the other side sounded familiar.[i]"Was that who spoke to me? But, she sounded so clear before."[/i] Getting to his feet, he pressed his ear against the door and sniffed softly. There was definitely someone there. [I]"Phew. So, I did hear someone."[/i] He sniffled and wiped at his eyes, breathing a sigh of relief. He wasn't hallucinating, so that was good at least. However, he was still wary. Reaching for the door, he slowly opened it a crack and his golden eye peered through to see who it was. Indeed, someone stood on the other side. The girl looked vaguely familiar to him, as did her scent. [i]"I shouldn't be a creep. Standing here sniffing and staring at her.."[/i] [b]"Oh, so that voice was yours? Is that your Semblance or something?"[/b] Maybe she shared similar abilities to Scoot, though with more focus and strength. [b]"I-I'm fine though, thank you for your concern."[/b] he lied. He was still shaken up, and the drugs didn't help too much with taking the edge off. Not wanting to be rude and speak to her through a small opening in the door, he opened the dorm room door more. Opening it just enough for the two of them to clearly see one another. Now able to see who it was, he blinked and snapped his fingers. [b]"Ah, hey! You're that gal who's in Practice class with me! You and your teammates recently went bowling with me and a buncha other friends, right?"[/b] He grinned as he scratched the back of his head. [b]"We haven't really had the chance to meet, have we? I'm Kuhaku Shiro, and...I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name? Heh...Sorry, I have a terrible memory."[/b] Scratching at his ears, he looked up as he searched his memories for any sort of name. Oddly enough, his distraught mood had all but disappeared though he still stood in the doorway to prevent the girl from seeing his team's mess of a room. Most of the mess being his fault, but he wasn't going to mention that to her. Bracing a hand against the door frame, he still felt a little woozy from the medication and had to remember to take it easy. A curious Scoot poked his head around the open door to see who it was.