Einar was breathing hard and losing breath, he'd been running for the past 20 minutes now. He ran fast, faster then he has ever ran before, but no matter how fast he ran those 'things' kept chasing him. What a fantastic way to spend his 15th birthday. All he wanted to do was to go down to the local pizza joint, meet a couple of his friends. Eat, drink soda, and stay up all night playing video games. But on his way down from his house, he noticed something weird. A feeling that he was being followed, so Einar decided he would start running, and sure enough as he started running those 'things' popped out and started to give chase. Einar ran through every short cut he knew, every alley way, every nook and cranny trying to lose the monsters that were chasing him. He ran for another 5 minutes, before his luck ran out. From all the things Einar could do at that moment, he tripped. He hit the floor hard and skidded . He felt his jeans and skin rip as he glided across the floor. Einar just barely had enough time to roll around and see one of those things mid leap, jumping right towards him. Time seemed to have slowed down in Einar's eyes, his mind racing , his blood pumping. He used what ever time he had too roll out of the way, but it was to late the thing was on top of him. Einar felt the heavy pressure of being pinned down, he couldn't move any of his limbs. [color=0054a6]" If any God is listening right now, please for the love of mighty help!"[/color] Einar screamed out.