[@Crazy Doctor] [color=66FFFF]"That would be Alisha the Reverent, one of the leaders of the Sun Empire."[/color] Terra says her name with respect, but not nearly as much as she does when talking about the Great Mage. [hr][@JELDare] Terra then looks at James for a moment, confused by his question. Then she says, [color=66FFFF]"We are here to see the Great Mage. Is that not what you wanted?"[/color] [hr]It is at this point that the others notice their entrance into the room, and the dragon grows quiet. The robed woman stands, and slowly walks to face Terra. She asks her, [color=9933FF]"Are these the ones from the other world?"[/color] Terra nods in response. [color=66FFFF]"Yes, my lady, these are all who have shown so far."[/color] The woman looks over the group, standing tall. She addresses them with a loud and powerful voice, [color=9933FF]"I trust my subject has treated you all well. She may not be the strongest among my ranks, but her hospitality is a desirable asset. I am Sarah Serenity, one of the six leaders that organizes the well being of the Sun Empire. If you have heard that I am the one responsible for bringing you here, you are not misinformed, and I assure you I am doing all in my power to find a way to send you back there."[/color]