[B]Shadowpaw[/b] As soon as the sun appeared in the sky, Shadowpaw's eyes popped open. Generally, he would immediately fly out of the den, but this morning was one of the unusual ones. One of the younger apprentices, Snowpaw, was having a bad dream again. He was going to wake her, when she stirred herself. He closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, afraid she might think she woke him. After she left, Shadowpaw waited a few minutes for he himself to exit. Soon he became bored and gave his still sleeping brother a lick on the ear, then slithered out of the apprentice den. He spied his parents over by the nursery, and Bravefeather outside the warriors den with his sister. Warmpaw was nowhere to be seen. Before going over to greet his mother, he made sure to groom himself. She would certainly scold him if he looked like he had just rolled out of his nest! Which he did, but he wasn't going to let her know that. Quickly, he cleaned up and started walking over, but Ravencoat had already started to walk away towards.... Shadowpaw scrunched his nose, Mallownose's den. He wondered if Warmpaw was awake, but decided to check on him later, instead, bounding toward his mother. [color=0054a6]"Good morning, moth.. err, Hawkstar..!"[/color] Shadowpaw hadn't seen the sneaky clan leader until that moment. Sneakiness was his thing! Still, he showed the old cat the respect he was due. He turned to Gingerflame and nearly shouted, [color=0054a6]"Good morning, mother!"[/color] and licked her cheek. [color=0054a6]"Do you or the others need some fresh moss? How are the kits? Are you feeding well? Are you hungry? I can get you something to eat!"[/color] Shadowpaw fired off the line of questions without pause to let the she cat answer and bounded off to the fresh kill pile, not even noticing the vole Silverstorm had put before her. [color=0054a6]"Morning Silverstorm!"[/color] he called as he scampered away. [B]Warmpaw[/b] Night before~ As with every night, Warmpaw had trouble sleeping. Even poppy seeds weren't strong enough to fight off the nightmares. Every time he closed his eyes, images of his family flooded his mind. He would never be able to escape it. That night had been his fault. If he had just listened to his parents warnings, it would never had happened. He was such a fool. Rather than attempt to go back to sleep, he decided to stretch his legs. He didn't leave the camp, nor the front of the den. He sat outside and looked up at the stars, hoping his family was among StarClan. His eyes grew heavy soon after, and he entered the den once more to fight off his demons. Morning~ Warmpaw had been organizing herbs when Stormstrike had entered his and Mallownose's den. As per usual, the stocky tom was complaining about thorns in his fur. Stormstrike was the only cat in Thunderclan he was afraid of, so he watched from a distance as his mentor made light of the scary feline. He hoped he would never have to deal with the tom, but as apprentice to the clan medicine cat, it was inevitable. Having already organized and reorganized the herbs and counted them, he padded up next to Mallownose. [color=f7976a]"We are going to need more poppy seeds soon, and the marigold we have is getting old. Also the Jun--"[/color] Warmpaw stopped as the deputy stepped inside. He squeaked a hello and backed up to give the larger cat some room. [B]Flareheart[/b] This one wasn't getting away. Flareheart balanced herself on the high branch perfectly. One slip up could mean broken bones, or worse. She had been stalking this thrush for two minutes and now it just sat there.. all plump and juicy, ready to be eaten. There was nothing left to do, she pounced, sinking her teeth into the birds sof-- Flareheart was jolted awake by the sound of the other warriors beating up on their sleeping partners. Always when she got to the good bits too. She grumbled angrily, but said nothing and wiggled her way out of the den. Once out, she could already smell fresh kill. Someone had beaten her to the punch. Most likely Silverstorm that she cat always woke up before her. Shaking the loose dirt from her pelt, Flareheart made her way to the kill pile. There were no birds, much to her dismay, but she would rectify that when the hunting patrol set out. Picking up a fat mouse, she trotted over to the medicine cat den. She was certain neither of them had eaten yet. On the way over she passed a cranky Stormstrike. She meowed a good morning, but it ended up sounding more like 'goom orbig'. Not paying attention, Flareheart bumped into a large black thing. She immediately recognized the fur of Ravencoat, the clan deputy and caught herself before saying, 'Watch where you're going!' instead, opting for an apology. [color=ed145b]"Please excuse me, Ravencoat."[/color] The mouse was placed next to Mallownose and Flareheart winked at Warmpaw who suddenly became shifty. [color=ed145b]"I thought you two could use a little breakfast."[/color] she started to walk out, but stopped, [color=ed145b]"Do you want something to eat, Ravencoat?"[/color]